Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What is Jose Garcia Villa and Poetry?

There were two different things happening over the weekend. First of all, I finished reading the poem: José Garcia's poetic philosophy ' Robert L King editor, by the way, if not, the best one I have ever read about writing The book of poetry [I read a lot], followed by moving some old magazines to a new rest place at home. One of the magazines is an ancient poetry magazine called Oasis. [Exactly the 14th issue] was published in the UK in 1976. Wow, I realized that I subscribed to it in those days, and there are many other magazines that started with my passion for all poetry and my learning as much as possible. About poetry.

In fact, I graduated from a British university in 1976 with an Honours degree in English [First Class, Magna Cum Laude], so I can reasonably conclude that I have a good understanding of literature and poetry, especially my course selection is only About that topic. However, I continue to subscribe to "Oasis" #39; at least 20 other magazines in the UK for more than 20 years. When I saw the contents of these magazines, I had to ask myself why? Why do I punish myself like this? This magazine has not written a poem, but it does have at least 25 free poems and #39; efforts, each one is indistinguishable from previous efforts; in addition to some more modernist short story experiences, we have one A pretentious article entitled "Literature Scene [No. 1]", which spends most of his time attacking Philip Larkin [a true poet who understands the form] and publishing his "establishment" while promoting Beat poet and Beat lifestyle [although reluctantly admitting Kerouac's "last years are sad"], of course, the general propaganda of free poetry [which one of course has nothing to do with poetry or poetry] shows social, political, Philosophy, theology [yes, they all tend to be atheists, or more accurately the negators of the Holy Spirit - how can they have a muse?] Freedom. Free, man! Who can argue with it? Yes - there is always a kind of self-compliance in the morally superior freedom fighters. They have successfully realized from comfortable British armchairs and beautiful bourgeois life that their chaotic lines are for human happiness and poetry. make a contribution. Survival in our time. The typical adjectives describing their poetry are always as follows: 'Alternative','Tighten','Precision',' Desolation' , ' unwavering, this really means ' unmusical',' unstructured ', ' monotonous ',&#39 ; suppress ', ' lack of imagination '. But delusions are hard to disappear.

Well, this nonsense is enough, although I can write more; but you got my drift: these writers have created a consensus over the past fifty years, expelled real poetry and allowed anyone and him The dog has the opportunity to stand on the street and bark [yes, dark schematic] and screaming and preying on this pile of poops is poetry. This is where the great book of Villa appears; in fact, the address at the end of the book is exactly this tragedy. Referring to Jay Parini, we learned that "most poems written after the mid-20th century are free poems, as anyone knows." But, as Villa vividly observed, "when When you start writing a meaningful poem, that meaning - not writing the poem - destroying it, pulling it down, it has a birth defect. "The exquisite image of all free poems must begin with meaning. Because by definition, it can't start in form, because it doesn't, it has a birth defect. In most cases, birth defects are fatal, although great poets can produce a free poem - TS Eliot does this, but it is not normal or even normal.

So let's consider some of the miracles in Villa's book now. I strongly recommend that every poetry lover buy and read, although I have to say that Villa's thinking is serious, it will not be a taste for everyone. But his argument is so powerful, his thoughts are so powerful in the process of writing poetry, and I sincerely believe that all art practitioners of thought should consider his ideas. However, before this, you must explain the content of a word about the origin and writing of this book. The author of this book must be credited; yes, this book is Vera, but he died in 1997 and never really wrote it. Instead, his student and student, Robert L King, as if it were, in a lot of love, put together all the ideas in the lectures and lectures and survived at Harvard. Writing a book is difficult in itself, but putting this book together from the notes is a huge achievement. I think that generations from a long time will be very grateful to Robert King for his intricate efforts here. People feel that this is the villa's book, and the king has been controlling his ego, allowing only villas and villas to speak; this is impressive.

The essence of the arguments of Vera and his book is that poetry is an art form that requires discipline, at least 10 years. It is worthwhile, anyone can carry it with them, or use it to make anything of value. In addition, poetry is about language, music and form, but his view of form goes far beyond the structure and image of the meter, although these are not denied. Because of this, Vera described most of today's time [that is his day, although there is not much change]. Poetry is "self-expression, this is just a romantic naive and baby talk." This is because "self-expression will always happen," and "good writing won't happen." This has three important consequences.

First of all, poetry is irreplaceable by prose; prose says its meaning, but the meaning of poetry is inherent in its form, so it cannot be said in another way. In other words, all prose can be explained, but poetry is used to explain poetry in order to terminate its existence. Second, the discipline of poetry is aesthetic, intellectual and moral. As Vera said, "Poetry has become the civilization of the human spirit." People can immediately see the opposite of Villa. It is not only a question of poetry, but also a way of life, values ​​and spirit. Third, according to Vera, poetry can prevent mental disorders! This is an amazing claim, but there are no precedents and foundations. He didn't quote GK Chesterton, but Chesterton found that only one major English poet was crazy - Cooper. More generally, the god of poetry, Apollo, is also the god of healing and reason. But Vera quoted Wallace Stevens as saying: "Poetry is not a literary activity - it is a vital activity - it is part of life itself." How good is this? Most importantly, Vera said: "In order to be art, the form is mandatory"; the form is mandatory, meaning that the order is mandatory, the order is mandatory means ordering goods, but not a shopping list or Excel spreadsheet. The order of poetry stems from deep thoughts, so it is no wonder that its practice leads to psychological stability and health.

A more exciting observation by Vera - I will have to stop because this article is too long - it is this, quote Christopher Morley, "Poetry is the perfect expression of what you don't know what you want to say" . In other words, every true poem is a journey of discovery; and that's why the prefabrication of meaning, the important clichés you want to convey, may produce an interesting work, best known as debate or public relations, But it does not produce poetry. Poetry finally appears on the page, and when written and complete, poetry is as pleasant as the reader. In fact, there is a deep chapter at the end of the book, just about the theme of the last line of a poem and the difficulty of writing it. Because the last line must put everything together, it always produces a meaning that is not obvious at the beginning. In other words, it strikes at the same time as it is done! Contradictory but true.

I think I have said enough, I hope you can go out and buy a wonderful and wonderful book about Vera's poetry. Robert King once again expressed my hard work for his love for this work and his deep gratitude to his master to ensure that these important ideas are not lost to the world, but can continue and remain fresh.

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