Tuesday, May 7, 2019

How to retire healthy, wealthy and intelligent

Retirement - a new beginning

Back to about fifty years later, retirement is considered a short gap between getting the gold watch and the final right!

The good news is that retirement today is considered the beginning of a new life adventure.

It is possible that we will retire, all our faculties are intact, and we have many years before us, we now need to spend more time planning our retirement age to ensure that we are absolutely maximizing them.

No matter what your retirement dreams are - from the sun in the home, on the river, or just hanging out in the garden - all of which can be carefully planned.

But have you ever wondered why so many of us are constantly pushing the practicality of retirement plans behind our minds, while rushing to complain about the pressure of work and dreaming of the day we can finally stand up?

What led us to this dichotomy?

I think most of us agree that the two main reasons are lack of time and reluctance.

However, each of us knows how important it is for retirement planning and savings!

After all, we were bombarded by the media on Monday, surrounded by facts about pension time bombs, and the fact that many of us are obviously struggling for the price of a cup of tea, not to mention the beautiful villas we got in the sun to 65!

So, with all the information being adopted, what can we do to make our retirement happy?

Whether you have a full 40 years of savings and plans, or just a few years of retirement, you are worried that starting any aggressive pension plan may be a bit late. The three-part retirement plan roadmap should save you time and eliminate your reluctance. It also covers three key aspects of retirement planning – our physical health, our financial well-being and mental health at retirement.

In other words, please continue to read some practical tips to make sure you are healthy, wealthy and smart.

Health - good health at retirement

Every day in our lives, we grow, mature, develop... We grow old.

When we are young, we sometimes see retirement as something that is equal to old age. We have pictures of the old people in the rock chair with the withered blankets, crumbling in the last days of their lives! No need to plan - just give me a blanket, I can do the rest!

But as we mature and grow, we will soon realize that it may take a long time to complete our work and life and need to settle in that rocking chair - that time is what we fully enjoy!

Although the body is aging, no one can reverse the trend of time, but unless we choose to do so, we will not grow old!

Our bodies may age, but we don't have to!

Therefore, there are actually two considerations in terms of the aging process and retirement benefits – physical and emotional.

Physical aspect

Because of the bad health, we can strike any one of us at any age. We should consider the health of our lives; from the point of view of prevention and treatment.


When we actively take measures to encourage good health, we are more likely to enjoy longevity; when we do this, we can make a difference between a happy and healthy retirement and an elderly person who has shrunk due to poor health.

Stay active. Many of us have a sedentary life; we drive to work, sit in the office, drive home, then sit down and watch TV. However, staying active should be seen as a mandatory part of our lives until retirement.

While a busy life may make it difficult to find time for exercise, there are always things that can help us improve our overall health. Consider parking your car on two streets away from the office, then take the last half mile, take a dog to travel long distances [he will love you!], buy a bike, go for a weekend walk or go to the garden. Now, just add some physical activity to our work life, we will postpone these years and ensure that we can fully enjoy the freedom brought by the retirement era.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Enjoy nutritious food, plenty of sleep, avoid nicotine, and keep drinking levels within reasonable limits.

relieve pressure. Everyone feels pressure all the time, and we all know that stress can cause long-term harm to our health. So do everything to reduce stress. If you exceed your control to remove the stress that affects your life, don't feel embarrassed or afraid to ask for help. If you can determine the main cause of stress, maybe you can start to see what you need to do to fix it. I know it's often easier to say this - but remember, this is your health and your happiness, this must be your top priority.

initiative. You know your body better than others. Listen to it and react accordingly when it tries to tell you something. Don't ignore potential symptoms, identify them and get them treated.


In recent years, health care costs have risen two to three times faster than inflation, and natural health insurance costs have become higher, while making some people's choices seem completely unattractive.

However, although most of us don't dream of driving uninsured cars or living without family insurance, we do it with our own body! We believe in our health and luck!

If you wish, please consider the following facts: -

- The UK National Health Service has reached the limit of up to one million people on the waiting list at any time.
- Few other countries in the world offer any form of "free" medical care, so keep this in mind if you want to retire abroad.
- After retirement, most people live on a fixed income, which does not allow for excessive medical expenses.
- As we age, our bodies need more TLC and fine-tuning, age makes us more susceptible to illness and increases average recovery and recovery time.

These facts explain why it is important to consider health care costs in terms of retirement plans. When considering health care costs and retirement, consider increasing your health insurance premium if you have insurance. If you move abroad without insurance, you will need to pay for health care. Consider the potential need for "going home" for private treatment in severe cases, and considering that you or your spouse may need long-term full-time care in later life.

But don't panic!

At this point many people panic and decided not to do anything. [guilty?]

They can only see the potentially huge cost they can't afford. But health insurance comes in many forms. Find a reputable company to advise you, get a second opinion and shop! Although you may not be able to afford the Platinum Five-Star Package, you can still be assured of a degree of care if you need it.

Emotional aspects.

Why do some people look old when they are 40, and others can exude youth, life and vitality similar to age?

Assuming good health, I can only assume that mental attitudes work here!

So how can we ensure that our coffee beans of the 1980s are more full than the coffee beans of the 1940s?

Learn to love life! Life sometimes surprises us - sometimes we might think we walked with Mike Tyson for a few rounds. But take the time to think about the good things in your life. Try to reflect on the positive side; enjoy the simple happiness in life and create a balance that always tends to be positive rather than negative.

Keep your mind active! Continuous learning and development. Never think that you are too old to learn new skills - you can't teach old dogs new skills, this is not true at all!

Focus on positive emotions rather than negative emotions! Negative emotions can lead to mental and physical disharmony and poor health. If you are addicted to regret, disappointment or resentment, you will be bitter and miss life. Those who can forgive and love will remain youthful because they will expect and be excited in life. If you don't love or don't love, you will soon begin to age and feel lonely.

Don't stop dreams, hopes and desires! Keep the focus of the future. You will find that your motivation, desires and expectations for the future and the realization of your dreams will keep you positive and positive, your endurance will be improved, your energy level will improve, and your mental attitude will remain young.

Wealthy - economic welfare at retirement

From a financial point of view, the "delayed cost" of a retirement plan can be explained as follows - if a 25-year-old and 35-year-old start to retire at 55 and 25 today, then a 25-year-old person will invest 300 pounds a month after retirement, 35 Older people must increase his donation to £803 a month to get the same potential return!

I know, I know, talking about money - especially pensions - is the fastest way to let anyone fall asleep. But really, it's never too early to master the financial aspects of retirement plans!

If you still don't believe it, according to research, one of the 100 young people who are now 25 years old will retire, four will be financially independent, five will continue to work, 12 will be completely bankrupt, and 29 will die. , 49 will depend on their friends, family and charity. This means that 93% of those who live to retire will depend on friends, relatives and charities!

Scary, isn't it?
So now that you are ready to start a retirement financial plan [!], here are some important aspects you need to consider.

You personally...

Orignal From: How to retire healthy, wealthy and intelligent

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