Sunday, April 21, 2019

Take A Look At These Great Home Security Tips

Home security is one of the biggest concerns of any homeowner. After all, a home is the largest investment for most people. In addition, a home is more than an investment; it is a place to live and raise a family. Therefore, keeping your home safe is very important. Continue reading to learn home safety ideas.

When you move into a new home change all the locks. Even though the previous homeowner may have given you keys to the house, there might be a key out there that someone has. To be sure you are as safe as possible, get all new locks for your new house.

If you happen to lose your keys change your locks right away. There is no telling where your keys are and if someone has them, they may end up paying your house an uninvited visit. Changing your locks is a much better option and can assure that your house is safe from losing your keys.

If you are planning to have the cable guy or repair man come to your house, refrain from putting notes on the door. This shows burglars that you are not currently home, which will make them more prone to robbing your house. Use phone communication to indicate to your servicemen the details of your whereabouts.

Install motion sensing lights. Darkness is a potential thief's best friend. Make sure all potential entrances to your home are covered by a motion sensing light. These lights will turn on automatically when movement triggers them, making it difficult for anyone to sneak around your property. Thieves will quickly move on to an easier target.

Switch your locks. Whether you just bought your home or someone just moved out that you were living with, this is an important step to any new situation. You can change the locks in a single day, and the hardware is not very costly.

If you are planning to take a vacation, or you simply work odd hours, get timers for your indoor lights. This will help your home appear to be occupied, even when you are away. Place these timers in more than one room as well, as a burglar will quickly realize that only one of your rooms is illuminated at any given time if you do not.

Check the batteries of your smoke detector each and every week to determine if they are running low. If your smoke detector is not on, it will not pick up the smoke of the fire, which can lead to a disaster. Use quality batteries that last a very long time on your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Purchase an alarm system that has a few "bells and whistles;" you don't just need protection for your doors. The best systems are those that cover windows as well. Therefore, ensure the windows have an attached alarm. All potential entry points should have an alarm. This will make your family safer.

If you've just gotten a home, replace every lock. You really don't know much about the people who sold you the home, regardless of how competent they may seem. Keep in mind that there may have been residents prior to that person too.

Do you know how valuable the wires within your home are? Some intruders could strip your home of every bit of copper. Copper wiring can easily be removed. Make sure your wiring is hidden or hard to access to keep this valuable property safe.

Never rely on a spring-latch lock, instead have a deadbolt installed. Spring-latch locks are easy to get through with a simple credit card. Deadbolts can't be opened so simply and will thwart any burglar who attempts to get in. The cost of installing a deadbolt will be worth it in such a situation.

If you see anyone in your neighborhood you don't know who seems to continually pop up, including a questionable car, ask your neighbors if they know them. If not, a call to the police will only protect your home, even if it is at the expense of someone who happens to be loitering in a peaceful manner.

Keep lights on at all times if you want to prevent break-ins from happening. They prefer not to be seen. A well-lit home will make it hard for intruders to hide and take your valuables without being detected. Have lights that come on when they detect movement for best results.

If you want to have a dog at home to deter burglars, do not invest in a guard dogs. These dogs are trained to do their job and are not intended to be loving pets. Instead, pick up a dog at your local shelter, get him obedience training and give him all the love you can.

Every homeowner wants to keep their home as safe as possible. In order to do this, it is important that they utilize excellent advice on the matter. The article you have just read contains excellent home security advice, so make use of it to ensure your home's safety at all times.

Orignal From: Take A Look At These Great Home Security Tips

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