Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tinnitus (tinnitus) and Meniere's disease

tinnitus, Also known as "sound in the ear" is the perception of sound when there is no actual sound. It sounds [forgives puns] like the people who experience it, the sounds in their minds, etc. But I can tell you from experience that this is real and annoying. Tinnitus can best be described by people who own it, including your author, high pitch or consistent hum [or other] sounds that limit normal sound processing. The sound can be intermittent or continuous and cause hearing loss by preventing external sounds that occur within the same frequency range as "ringing". Annoying. Before you were an old man, tinnitus made people think of you as an old man.

Tinnitus can be caused by a variety of underlying causes, such as nerve damage, nasal allergies that induce or prevent fluid loss, ear infections, wax build-up, antibiotics, and exposure to loud sounds. When this happens, the brain tries to compensate for the anomaly by creating its own voice. Therefore, you will hear sounds that exist only on the head and not on the outside. So maybe you think you are losing your mind. you are not. At least, not from tinnitus.

Another cause of tinnitus associated with the cranial nerve, inner ear, and central processing center of the brain is called Meniere's disease. According to the Mayo Clinic, Meniere's disease is an inner ear disease that "appears to be the result of abnormal body fluid volume or composition." The membrane of the inner ear contains fluid and is lined with a hair-like sensor that is responsive to the movement of the fluid. In order for all the sensors in the inner ear to work properly, the fluid needs to maintain a certain volume, pressure and chemical composition. When these characteristics of the inner ear fluid change in some way, it causes Meniere's disease. The same thing happens when you experience motion sickness. It is believed that these changes are caused by one or more of the following reasons:

  • Head trauma

  • Viral infection

  • Improper fluid drainage, possibly due to blockage or anatomic abnormalities

  • allergy

  • Unusual immune response

In most cases, Meniere's disease affects only one ear, but the symptoms still debilitate. Yes, unfortunately, I can also prove this fact, just like I was diagnosed a few years ago. A typical plot begins with a feeling of fullness in your ears, increased tinnitus and decreased hearing, followed by dizziness, usually severe nausea and vomiting. Such a plot may last two to three hours or more. This is not pleasant, believe me. If you have had nausea and an ailment of vomiting for hours, then you know what I mean. There are 3 episodes in my life, and there are too many episodes!

Meniere's disease cannot be cured. However, symptoms can be controlled and achieved with varying degrees of success. Motion sickness and anti-nausea drugs are used to reduce the severity of vertigo. Diuretics can reduce the amount of fluid held by the body, which in turn can help regulate fluid volume and pressure in the inner ear. Dietary changes have been found to help limit the frequency of attacks:

  • Eating and drinking in approximately the same amount throughout the day helps to regulate body fluids.

  • Avoiding foods and beverages with high salt content will limit the retention of liquids. It is recommended to consume 1,500 mg or less of sodium per day.

  • Limit sodium glutamate [MSG] found in some pre-packaged foods and prepared restaurant foods. MSG helps to keep the liquid.

My best advice, which is useful to me, is to avoid large amounts of sodium-rich foods in any meal and limit caffeine intake in any short period of time.

Lifestyle changes are also encouraged as a treatment for tinnitus. Avoid using stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine to relieve symptoms. Management stress and anxiety are also considered helpful.

Natural treatments for tinnitus have been accepted and popularized as an alternative to treating conditions. The holistic approach involves vitamin supplements, herbs and avoiding certain foods and medications.

If you have tinnitus or have experienced an episode that you suspect may be a symptom of Meniere's disease, I recommend an otolaryngologist [otolaryngologist] to evaluate it. New technologies are making progress to help 50 million Americans and more Americans who experience tinnitus around the world. Before I left, here are some tinnitus patients you might realize:

  • Barbara Streisand

  • Paul Simon

  • Alex Trebek

  • David Letterman

  • Michelangelo

  • Tony Randall

  • Ludwig van Beethoven

  • Vincent - Van Gogh

  • Larry King

  • Bill Clinton

  • Eric Clapton

Orignal From: Tinnitus (tinnitus) and Meniere's disease

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