Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tinnitus and dehydration

Tinnitus is often referred to as "tinnitus." But some people have a lot of noise [or roaring, snoring, snoring or slamming] in their ears, which may actually block the noise and dialogue outside. It may be caused by loud noise or music, ototoxic drugs, wax accumulation in the ear, allergies, ear or sinus infection, congestion, mandibular or occlusal misalignment [TMJ disorder], cardiovascular disease, Meniere's disease, tumor-induced Auditory nerve, ear sclerosis, hypothyroidism, head or neck trauma, believe it or not, dehydration.

The body is 70% water, and the delicate bones and accompanying tissues in the ears are very sensitive and even dehydrated. Once the tissue has dried out, there is no flexibility in the small joints of the "hearing" small bones. Fluid imbalance can damage tiny hair in the inner ear cochlea. Damage can also come from loud noises such as lawn mowers and rock concerts. Even if the MP3 player is too large, it can cause damage. If you consume too little healthy water for a long time or if you are usually in a noisy environment, the damage may be permanent. Chronic dehydration can worsen the function of the inner ear, so be sure to drink plenty of healthy water instead of coffee, juice, carbonated drinks or bottled water.

If you notice tinnitus after a serious noise event, start drinking plenty of water and avoid other loud noises within a few days. You don't want ringtones to be permanent. If you notice that ear noise is still present, avoid drinking alcohol, recreational drugs, caffeine, aspirin and nicotine, as they can make the noise worse. Although aspirin and certain antibiotics can make tinnitus worse, doctors can help you replace or adjust the dose to make you more comfortable.

If you run or exercise, you will want to drink plenty of healthy water. Overheating will aggravate your tinnitus, just like dehydration.

In recent years, researchers have used MRI imaging techniques to detect brain activity in people with tinnitus. They found ADHD in certain parts of the auditory cortex and marginal brain, usually found in people without ear noise. The marginal brain controls stress responses such as anxiety and mood. The researchers said that not tinnitus is caused by stress, but that the part of the brain that produces fear is overactive in tinnitus patients.

For a long time, the problem faced by medical professionals and scientists was the "ringing" position. They know that people can "hear" noise, but they are surprised if they are in the ear or brain. It is assumed that noise will appear as the sound passes from the ear to the central nervous system to the brain. When the auditory is asserted by a long, loud voice, even for a short period of time and trauma, the brain tries to compensate by switching its own amplifier. But like a short-wave radio, you can hear more than just hear more buzz. But now, in line with MRI imaging, scientists are beginning to uncover the mystery of tinnitus.

In Germany and Belgium, studies have shown that it is promising to use a treatment called magnetic transcranial stimulation with some patients. This treatment involves placing a magnetic plate over the ear and holding it in the position of the auditory cortex. When the current pulsates through the plate, it is assumed that the defective brain signal is destroyed or may even be reset. The painless 5 to 30 minute treatment does not require anesthesia, but requires expensive equipment and can only be found at major neurological centers.

In the past two years, there have been some exciting developments in the pharmaceutical industry. A very dangerous procedure was tried to inject lidocaine [narcotics] into the blood of patients with tinnitus. There were no symptoms at all within five minutes. This is not a recommended treatment, but it tells the researchers that there is a closure somewhere in the brain. Researchers are actively looking for it.

In my clinic, many of my clients lost tinnitus due to drinking alkaline ionized water. Their level of chronic dehydration is the benchmark for how long it has disappeared. This healthy water temperature neutralizes the acidic state, accompanied by dehydration, which produces various symptoms in the body, including tinnitus. Try my 7 day water challenge. It is free and you will feel better.

Orignal From: Tinnitus and dehydration

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