Gregory Erich Phillips's "Love of Achievement" is a historical novel that attracts readers by providing vivid descriptions of people and events, and people think they are experiencing everything with people. I have read very few books, just like this makes me panting.
In the story, readers follow Elsa, a young girl and her family who entered the new life through Ellis Island in 1905. Elsa had long determined that she did not like the United States and suspected that even when she was young, the only reason was that their journey was so Annie, and her little brother could lead a better life. Shortly after arriving in the United States, Anton became ill and his death changed everyone's life. Elsa's father was so distorted by Anton's death that he gave up his family and hoped to lead a better life in the United States.
Readers will find Elsa a young woman who is determined and willing to learn and overcome obstacles. I am really surprised that because she is very lonely, she will let a wealthy family daughter serve her and treat her like her servant.
The author's attention to detail and his ability to capture character emotions, as well as the reality of the times, such as working in a dessert store, unsafe conditions and immigration sexual misconduct, caught every emotion I might experience. The depreciation of women will definitely affect today's events. I found that dialogue, dress and habits are real and very suitable for the radio and era of each character. Also in today's world, it seems that many people in wealthy and powerful situations often use the people they think are good for them.
The story of the war gives a lot of details, including why some people feel the need to join the army as early as possible to avoid the draft, while some people began to question the US participation. People can actually feel the fear and lack of understanding of war and its impact on returnees.
Phillips grabbed the reader's attention very well from the first page and stuck to the last page. "Love of Achievement" is a heartbreaking story full of historical facts and drama, and will be with you long after you finish reading. I highly recommend this book to those interested in historical novels. It can also be a good choice for book clubs, as the authors provide thought-provoking discussion questions later.
Orignal From: Book Review - Gregory Erich Phillips' Comment on "The Love of Finished Products"
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