Thursday, April 25, 2019

Book Review - Empty seats for Wanda Adams Fischer

Wanda Adams Fischer's "empty seat" is a must read, even if a person is not a baseball fan. The author's unique, related characters revolve around three local high school baseball stars who are summoned to the minor league to see if they own it. But her story contains more: friendship, expectations, failure and adulthood.

What boy did not expect to enter the big league, become famous and earn millions of dollars? Sadly, many people have no success and there are other plans for life. My brothers grew up in a family. My brothers played high school baseball and my dad baseball coach for many years. I can certainly put forward the expectation that if you want to enter the big league, nothing else matters. .

"Empty Seats" tells three young people from different backgrounds who are excellent local pitchers. Due to the wife's wishes, the father of a young man gave up his dream of becoming a professional baseball player; the other came from the South, a real, gentle soul, making friends with everyone, and the third boy, angry at the world, From a family without a father, and a very dysfunctional mother.

Given the author's love of baseball and a complete understanding of the game and all its components, she has the ability to engage readers into the game. Readers will smell the smell of green grass and feel the excitement of playing on the baseball field. Pitcher coach Cesar made me laugh. He issued a statement, "Week Think you understand everything about the game? Chew, don't know! Nada! "Given most of these young players are domestic baseball kings, they are somewhat shocked by this statement.

These chapters changed the narrative between each boy and I found it gives people a chance to understand each player and his mindset. I am very happy that Fischer can vividly describe how each boy goes home and expects them to come back next year. Everyone has many obstacles and challenges at home in the summer. Some are done by themselves, some are accidental.

Fischer introduces emotions, annoyances and love in the game. You will be on the court with them and hope for the best. Wanda Adams Fischer's "empty seat" is a true age story and an honest portrait of an aspiring baseball player. Even if you are not a big fan of the game, I highly recommend this book to everyone. You will learn a lot about baseball and life.

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