Thursday, May 9, 2019

Stepfathers Raises Stepons Tips - Fair

One of the reasons we like the Cinderella story is that although her stepmother and stepmother are in an unfavorable environment and abusive state, she is able to attend the ball in a great style, connect with the prince and live happily ever after. When the loser has a happy ending, we like it. With your stepchild, there is no fairy godmother who takes any harm because of his first family breakup or because of your mistake as a stepfather. Is it possible to treat only your steps and still be able to positively influence him?

If you take seriously an influential role in your life, you must start thinking about using your wife's son as your son. Before you say "I do this," talk to your spouse to make sure you all agree with the role. Having said that, here are some things to consider:

  • Parents and stepparents usually do not treat children in a mixed family equally.
  • Many stepparents find it difficult to fall in love with their stepchildren.
  • Remarried spouses often give priority to their own children than their new spouse, which affects the marriage.
  • Divorced children often refuse to contact new families.
  • Discipline from stepfather often leads to opposition and disrespect.

Also, if you have your own children, you must treat all children in your family equally. Balance your time, resources and energy between your own children and stepchildren. Any shortcomings will hurt your stepchild and your other stepchildren. They may:

  • Inferiority

    • It's hard to accept and like yourself.
    • As they grow older, their feelings will intensify.
    • from

        Difficult to make friends and socialize.

  • Let them feel the unfair feeling in the world

    • Learn to treat others in a way that treats others.
    • Start treating others unfairly.

  • Jealousy

    • It is almost impossible for this favored child to establish a relationship.
    • It also affects the favored child.

  • Anxiety and insecurity

    • Because of fear of losing priority, I feel pressure to demand high levels of performance.

  • Resentment

    • He is skeptical about trusting his father's education.
    • Bonds are not allowed.
    • Formed a strong competition with the favored brothers and sisters.
    • Hate their own parents and let them start to be in this situation.

Treating your stepchildren like your own child is not easy, but you must do so. Failure to do so will jeopardize all your relationships. Children want their families to be cared for and safe; mixed families are no different in this regard.

Orignal From: Stepfathers Raises Stepons Tips - Fair

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