Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Richard P Brennan's book criticizes: "Heisenberg may sleep here"

In this undergraduate-physical selection, Richard Brennan documents the life, times and thoughts of great physicists of the twentieth century. In the preface, he praised the extraordinary principals who made great contributions to the principles of quantum mechanics: advanced reasoning from Newton, Einstein, Planck, Rutherford, Bol, Heisenberg, and Feynman. Each of these great ideas provides important theories and breakthroughs for the promotion of the physical worldview; their ideas are a continuous study of the nature of matter.

Brennan laid the foundation and foundation for classical physics, citing the great physicist Isaac Newton [1676], who mentioned older theorists and even returned to the Daniels and Greeks in the Bible. The era of Crete. Newton said: "from

If I look farther than others, it's because I stand on the shoulders of giants.

"In fact, more giants are on the way; they will develop a division of labor between classical physics and quantum mechanics. During this time, our brave authors contacted Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler's contribution to movement and speed; These observations were built in Newton's curiosity. He was the first to disperse light into the spectrum and turn it back into white light, which categorizes the light into tiny particles. principleNewton's entry into F = ma [force equals mass multiplied by acceleration] is now considered to be the most useful physical law of all time. Newton used the cosmological system to prove the existence of God and believed that science is a form of worship.

Brennan gave a brief introduction to the small progress of the next four hundred years until the emergence of Albert Einstein, the most talented genius of our time. Einstein quietly thought about entering history. He envisioned from

Special relativity

The constant speed of light and the mass at the speed of light are infinite, E = mc2, and contain the simultaneity of relativity. For this observation, he later developed General relativityfrom

: Essentially contains the principle of equivalence, and gravity and inertia are two different words of the same thing. Einstein has forever changed the way intelligence must intercept time, space and material appearance. Adding to his cosmological constant, he was later rejected and later resurrected: a factor that explains the invisible power of our universe in the space continuum.

At the same time as Albert Einstein, Max Karl Ernest Ludwig Planck became famous in 1900, aged 42 years, and Einstein was about 21 years old. Equally savvy, Planck is the father of quantum physics, and he is exposed to modern physics rather than classical physics: the effective medium of quantum theory. Planck developed his E = hf equation, which eliminated the deadlock of light and thermal frequencies, wavelengths and radiation tendencies. His equation specifies: ' the quantum of energy, E, equal to the radiation time ' Planck constant ' the frequency f, h. Einstein pays tribute to Max Planck, an outstanding figure in the field of science.

At the same time as Einstein and Planck, Ernest Rutherford also made a name for himself.from

Father of nuclear energy

"Rutherford also began to determine the half-life of radioactive materials, and each organism contains carbon. The half-life is 5,570 years, and the carbon-14 decays into nitrogen-14, which can be accurately measured. Unwavering habits for many geophysics, Archaeological and paleontological specimens are useful for the age of the specimen.

Brennan pointed out: "Einstein is a theorist, Rutherford is an experimentalist." As a marginal note, his bibliographies praise the famous physicists as intellectuals who tend to be musical talents - except Metaphysical lasting interest. Unlike the requirements of metaphysical interpretation, the search for invisible and unknown insights in physics depends on similar developments, fearlessness, contingency, and most importantly concentration.

Niels Bohr is another contemporary physicist who has already mentioned and is prominent in the 5th Solvay Conference, where about 30 of the world's most famous physicists gather to discuss Quantum mechanics, complementarity, discontinuity, continuity, correspondence, duality and uncertainty. Niels Bohr is not the last one, but one of Brennan's many honors. If a person wants to take the long-term path of physics to quantum mechanics, advancement of knowledge, or the wisdom of a thinker who paves the way, then this book is a good start. It is wonderful to get a collection of such ideas from the great ideas of the physics giants.

In addition to the important physics research in the world, the huge metaphysical field is open to re-evaluation and affirmation or rejection of the syllogism. Advanced research can be used to explore the greatest motivating power of human beings: his sensitivity to invisibility, invisibility and unknownness. Brennan made several observations on the mystery of the great thoughts concerned with the interpretation of the Bible.

Orignal From: Richard P Brennan's book criticizes: "Heisenberg may sleep here"

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