Thursday, May 9, 2019

Mason's Books - Masonic Brotherhood

"Anyone should be renamed Abram,

  But your name should be Abraham; for the father

  I have done your country. "

Genesis 17:5

From the moment he started as an apprentice, Mason was told the importance of keeping freedom. The promoters will soon discover that freedom is a quality of life, and craftsmanship is very important. Each Mason will be told at an early stage of his Masonic career that he must work hard to remind his life and become the sole sovereignty of his destiny. He also learned that, from a political point of view, although Masonic abstains from general expression preferences, the craft emphasizes abandoning freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association, and free public education for all citizens.

In his "Mason Book," Albert Pike writes that in the case where two or more of these sovereignty are linked, the state begins to require everyone to abandon part of his personal sovereignty. [moral and dogma]. However, even in the abandonment behavior, the individual benefits because he is involved in building a union that will never be dissolved. This alliance is called the Brotherhood, a term that conveys both the definition of unity and the understanding of how to achieve unity in humanity.

The Masonic meaning of the fraternity is likely to be very different from what you got when you were in school. In universities across the country, the campus is full of brotherhood, providing male students with social acceptance, friendship, fellowship, and the central place to sleep and learn. Women are not excluded because most campuses provide the same environment for female students through a variety of sisters. Many of the people who joined the Masonic Association are also members of this fraternity, as well as other social fraternal organizations such as Moose or Elks. Although of course there is no condemnation or disparaging of fraternities that provide many valuable services to the society in which their members live, the meaning of the fraternity of crafts is essentially philosophical.

Manly P. Hall regrets how the seemingly good people quickly became evil, the army of death trades, he wrote books about masons, and he hopes to eventually wipe out the world. Brother order. In his book entitled "The Lecture of Ancient Philosophy," Hall called his new order the gospel of identity. The promise of his new gospel is that all forms of life are a manifestation of God. Using this premise, Hall extended his ideas, including the knowledge that everyone is evolving into an identity, a government, and a new world order. This kind of thinking heralds a new era. In fact, the publications of ancient and accepted Scottish rituals are a new era. It foreshadows the realization of the Masonic hope - the brotherhood of the people under the fatherhood of God.

The Gospel of Hall's identity, although imaginary of delusion, is at best, or the worst danger in promoting the renunciation of individual liberty, but according to the divine teachings, each of us has a relationship. Bible. As a teaching from the first masonry headlights, the importance of shaping personal behavior must be carefully considered. In Genesis's book, God summons Abram from the masses and changes his name after finding his veritable name and promises: "All the people of the earth will be blessed" [Gen. 17:5]. This covenant does not represent many people in many countries, but a holy and worthy person who represents all.

The meaning of the Masonic Society for the Brotherhood includes at least the knowledge that as members of the countries mentioned in the Bible, we are also the heirs of God's promised interests... All nations on earth should be blessed. But, the Freemasonry will teach us how to be blessed? What, if we want to do something? Cain killed his brother Abel, and as we know, he was sentenced to be around the world. Jacob's sons entered a well through their brother Joseph and let him die. Therefore, they suffered from the famine and death. For this contradiction, those who are kind to the brethren described in the Bible, in turn, are treated well by God and nature. For us as a masons, the lesson is obvious: treat your brother as you treat him like you - then you will be blessed.

However, the concept of Abraham as the father of all nations also teaches us valuable lessons about how human beings live, especially in contrast to the lessons that nature teaches us. We believe that men's equality is the foundation of human freedom. But true equality in all things leads to chaos and chaos, and jealousy and personal interests overthrow justice, compassion and love. Teaching us to equality in masonry believes that all people with all talents should have equal opportunities in life. Masonic teachers tolerate other opinions - When all the objections force humanity into a moral deadlock, it does not teach harmony and freedom. If, as stated, Hermesism is the true philosophical ancestor of the Freemasonry, then we must learn the lesson of this creed - we must combine different ideas and ideas into a cohesive structure for all. All are free to pursue everyone equally. Opportunity has been provided to us.

If you are wise, because King Solomon is wise, you must learn the thoughts and aspirations of your brethren, as well as the thoughts of your family members, communities, places of worship, and the workplace. As human beings, we first gather in different places, then listen to the differences and then work through an agreement. Regrettably, the word compromise has become so unpopular in our world today. Compromising a position means giving up all right people and supporting all false things. The arrogance of this hypothesis is self-evident - no one has the right to assume that his point of view is correct, and that your point of view is incorrect. However, we do have the right, and as human beings, we are obliged to advocate the position we believe is the most correct. However, once propaganda ceases, as a brotherhood of God's children, we have an obligation to reach a peace agreement - to reach a compromise - to abide by the doctrine of our sealed philosophy - synthesis and coordination.

The Freemasonry did not make us a person because they could not undertake the difficult task of finding the right path, which would lead us from chaos to chaos. It can be said that there is no silver bullet, or magic pot, which will ease the road. Mutual rights and mutual wrong adjustments are equally difficult for us because they don't see anything for people around the world. The Masonics tells us that the difference lies in our perception of human beings and our views on different viewpoints - this is a feeling that others must learn, because we are naturally very selfish and welcome to share our interests. . For a large group of people, how natural is it that they work diligently throughout their lives and then give these wealth in order to protect the disabled child from treatment? Is it more natural to spend the income you have earned on yourself and punish the poor? The Masonics tells us that the Brotherhood is not for its own benefit. Rather, it's all about people other than you - this lesson may take a lifetime of learning if it really is learned.

If you tell the truth, then it is hard for humans to believe in others. When a doctor recommends a specific medical action, we usually need a second opinion. Before hiring someone to handle our money, we seek to ensure that he or she is ethical, honest, and most importantly, bonded! Masonry does not require us to leave our common sense at home - asking for a second opinion and seeking honesty is a cautious course of conduct. We do this in order to make them cautious, which just proves the truth of our difficulties in the beliefs of others. The Masonic Society provides you with the tools to improve your faith by understanding and representing the work of the Brotherhood.

Not all operations of the Brotherhood are benign and harmonious. Even in today's society, the clues to freedom do exist and are very real. No matter where the light exists in the world, darkness is hidden in the corner waiting for it to absorb light. Enticing people and autocracy, this is the two evils that Masonry has opposed for years, and still needs the attention of Craft. Where they exist, masonry pens are expected to expose them; blame them; scare them; and eliminate them as much as possible.

In essence, people are cruel. However, the Brotherhood replaces cruel justice, sympathy and love. In essence, men like to see others suffer. The Brotherhood establishes hospitals, homes for the elderly and clinics for children who need to learn how to talk. History shows that human beings kill people for happiness and political interests. Brotherhood embryo owners - not just thinking like us, or like us - everyone. The Brotherhood builds masons by providing a network that can spread and implement the Gospel of identity. The clay figurine builds a fraternity by building brotherhood under the fatherhood of God - by following Abraham's footsteps, all nations are truly blessed.

Orignal From: Mason's Books - Masonic Brotherhood

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