Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Looking back when we are S!!

There are two things I don't like when we are S' James Manlow's new collection of poems was once the poet of Bournemouth. The first one didn't like the cover. For me, I saw a mess and a mess. My second objection is the title, which is one of the poems, but although it may be curious, it has creative qualities. [However, that is to say, when we are S' it is itself a good poem]. Now, I have completed two objections, and I want to record the wonderful collection of poems that appear in this book.

What I particularly like is the combination of technical mastery and true insight; in addition, these poems are written - using Wordsworth's cliché - the language of men, and then we have a highly readable and related book. This book contains 24 poems, all very good, but many are excellent: "Hai Shi", began to collect, "Marily Lotus", "dressing", "Dalila", "Entertainment Dictator" [this is outstanding The entire collection of poems, "roots" and "years passed."

"Hai Shi" seems harmless, but during the exam, people will find a subtle sonnet structure, but there are many lines reduced to seven or so syllables; and the use of pararhymes is flexible: for example: &#39 ; explain / limit'. But the wave of this poem is being established; it seems to be about something - the fragments of the waves - but in the final and Shakespeare coup, everything is expanding, including the poet's consciousness: we get "the sea is beyond control" Something "#39 found it; / can only continue to make that kind of gentle, uneasy sound. Pay attention to the sudden, perfect rhythm, as if the real theme suddenly locks into place; notice how the seven syllables in the penultimate line suddenly become the complete Alexandria of 12 syllables, just like in Spencer's poems. Also note how the last line shifts our attention from the garbage of the ocean to the emotions it represents, which speaks to us in tenderness, because it calms us, but at the same time it still remains in its movements. Uneasy, as we are. In short, this poem eloquently conveys the contradictory human condition. The advantage of this achievement lies in the metaphor of the ocean - it is often used in this way, because metaphor is undeniable, but Manlow makes metaphors his own. This is impressive.

If "sea poetry" is impressive, then "Mary Lian" is even more so. It usually shows a theme that Manlow is interested in and has done a very good exploration in several other poems: a passionate libido! See also "Delilah"! Once again, in "Marilyn", the ending coup is wonderful, bringing together all the clues of this poem and her broken life [of course this is Marilyn Monroe], and then hinting at deeper, even darker thoughts. "Going to the bright lights she brings her sadness, / thinking, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow." Wow - this truncated representation of Shakespeare, especially Macbeth's reflection after his wife's suicide is to write the highest level of. Nothing is effective here, everything is compact, and tells: the ending is inevitable. Wonderful poetry.

Space forbids further analysis, but before ending this review, I must comment on the "Entertainment Dictator". This poem is the greatest poem in the series. First of all, it is a villa, a well-known and difficult to master form; second, all the content I have talked about before [the rhyme, isolation, strong ending] are here. But we also have disgust and dislike, which may be called political poetry. Manlo did not preach; instead, he observed and described it in a somewhat mechanical way through repeated villa forms and did so. However, the cumulative effect of doing so adds up to complete control of fascism [or more generally indicative] and completely sues us in the last line: "But we have done nothing and no one has said a word." This brings us back to Hitler and anyone who opposed his collective failure until it was too late and he was completely in control.

Therefore, I highly recommend this series to all poetry lovers: people who like form, structure, clarity and ideas. For those who like "free" poetry, self-indulgent waffles, anything, but it is my poetry, then I suggest you avoid this collection, because its real poetry may upset you Especially rhymes!

Orignal From: Looking back when we are S!!

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