Thursday, May 9, 2019

Information about the old encyclopedia

Old Pliny
Since 2000, the encyclopedia has remained on the earth. The oldest is the Naturalis Historia, written by Elder Pliny in Roman times. It is distributed in 37 sections covering art and structural design, natural history, medicine, geography, geology and all other aspects near him. The facts were compiled from 2000 different works by 200 authors, but he could not prove reading them. It was published in 77-79 AD. Earlier, Marcus Terentius Varro's work was already there, but lost as time passed.

middle Ages
Etymologiae [about 630] is known as the first medieval encyclopedia of the Middle Ages, and Saint Isidore of Seville is a great scholar of the Middle Ages. This encyclopedia has 20 volumes and a total of 448 chapters, which quote and extract works from other authors.

High medieval people mainly refer to Bartholomeus Anglicus. De proprietatibus rerum [1240].

  Beauvais's Vinceulum Majus [1260] Vincent was quite advanced in the late Middle Ages, with more than 3 million words.

Souda is a huge encyclopedia of the Byzantine era of the ancient Mediterranean world. It is written in Greek vocabulary and contains 30,000 entries.

17-19th century
The modern concept of printing encyclopedias could have been widely disseminated for general use, while Chambers ' Cyclopaedia [1728] and Diderot and D&#; Alembert [from 1751] Encyclopédie, and Encyclopedia and Conversations- Lexikon. These include a wide range of in-depth, organized and integrated themes. The Chamber of Commerce's dictionary follows the leadership of John Harris. Lexicon Technicum.

Sir Thomas Brown, renamed British scholars and doctors, used the word encyclopedia in 1646. His vulgar mistakes, the common mistakes of his time, are controversial. This encyclopedia was built on a proven Renaissance plan or "creation scale". It rises from hierarchical trees to minerals, vegetables, animals, humans and planets, to the cosmic world.

John Harris is now trusted by his letter format in the Lexicon Technicum: General English Art and Science Dictionary: not only explains the artistic terminology but also the art itself. "It emphasizes that science, like the understanding of the 18th century, still transcends science, including humanities and fine arts, such as law, business, music, and coat of arms.

20th Century
In the early 1920s, Hammworth's Global Encyclopedia and Children's Encyclopedia became a popular and affordable resource. In the United States, several large versions appeared in the 1950s and 1960s and are becoming more popular. They are sold in phases. WorldBook and Funk and Wagnalls performed best.

In the second half of the year, several encyclopedias were published. Their work is impossible because they have acquired important topics in specific fields through new research. The "Philosophy Encyclopedia" and the "Einsville Economics Handbook" have two books. Most disciplines are included in a dedicated volume, including narrow themes such as bioethics and African American history.

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