Thursday, May 16, 2019

“Guaranteed retirement investment” requires thoughtful planning and education

Many financial experts accept grand theories and use mathematical formulas to convince a wide range of US investors to accept their views on the perfect US retirement account balance. The statement they made was "When you were 65, you should have X$ in your retirement portfolio to pay for health care, or to realize the perfect dream and cost of traveling abroad, spending and spending more luxury life. Way." Like "beauty", it appears in the "eye of the beholder"! My perfect retirement lifestyle is not necessarily my cousin, nor is it necessarily my neighbor next door. We all share one thing in common. Our business with high transaction risk is indeed called investment.

This may not be a conclusion to give up; Penny Stock Investors is investing in retirement. Some people will develop a portfolio to hedge their current business needs, no matter what they may be. Some people may just prove to themselves and others that they can invest, while others can invest as a business to generate their monthly income to fulfill their obligations. Still others invest in a goal of creating large amounts of cash, often referred to as "day traders."

This article is not intended to convince anyone how to invest or why to do so, but to give another perspective on the motivation for investment. Retirement needs to be considered, whether you are a full-time investor or just starting out, or you have been a "double voluntary" investor for many years.

Whatever your motivation, let me provide you with a case where you can look at the road to retirement with just one eye, no matter how long or how short. We all know instinctively that one day we will "give up", "give up" or "wear"! Now, I don't want to be pessimistic or a bad news carrier, especially for people in your twenties and 30s. But what I want to impress everyone is that, like in the market, life cannot be guaranteed! I mean life and market share the same changing trends, volatility, risk, I dare say the cost, burden and cost. Why do you think monopoly games are so popular? Because the monopoly like reality reflects the whole concept of "time and opportunity."

For those who have always been winners of Monopoly, remember this, life is not a board game, you can't remember all the cards that will be thrown at you. It's like investing! A variety of unstable conditions affect your investment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and nothing prevents time and opportunities from happening to you or anyone else. Now that we have mastered these basics, at least on the road and to solve a basic vision for ourselves, what kind of retirement life do you want to have and at what age? Here are some topics to consider.

Living arrangement from

 - Family homes, apartments/town houses, retirement villages? This fee will be calculated based on today's economic amount, then your perfect retirement age based on your current age, and the inflation rate will be multiplied by 3%. You need to revisit this situation every year to adjust the current inflation rate. Inflation is not really a problem at the moment, but it is not the case.

Health care costs from

 - We really don't know what these will be, not just the stars we can count in the night sky. This is true for most investors who now live in the United States. Since this is a high risk area, we need an alternative plan, not just cash accumulation. Studying "mortality and morbidity" requires two key concepts. They will make you feel really happy! Do not!

food - from

 Now, this is a topic around the entire 2-hour seminar. Many people living in the Boomer generation today remember how much the cost of a piece of bread is. 75

Coffee and a cup of coffee in a restaurant are 25 cents. How about an incredible egg? From 1985 to 1987, the price per dozen went from 42.9 cents to 51.5 cents.

[University of California Collaboration and Promotion Department, June 30, 1988]

Currently in 2012, more than a dozen large-grade "A" eggs are priced at $1.7059, while organic brown-shell eggs in cartons are priced from $2.61 to $3.16.

[ or]

Based on these three areas of life, we can infer that future life will be more expensive than it is now. This does not take into account our current punitive tax system in the United States, or new taxes that have been voted and will be voted before we retire and during retirement.

Through careful planning, in what ways can we offset the risks? On the one hand, risk can be reduced through a well-thought-out investment plan that focuses on annual returns, which will beat inflation and keep up with the market, while never delivering bad news like negative returns. I think you will agree that these types of accounts will be the perfect holding area for your "bread and butter" retirement fund. What are these types of accounts? Then they are easy to get in every city, state and country as they are index annuities.

An index annuity with security and guaranteed income reserves can provide you with income security for life. When you wait to start earning, the account can grow and the proceeds of the interest generated will add up, and if the money, you will pay Taxation is another type of interest account. Never give you a negative return.

Some investors start working on a forward-looking strategy and determine what social security income will be when they reach their maximum retirement age or the earliest annuity that can get it and start accumulating so much cash reserves or buying so much money. Keep up with the pace of inflation. Then continue the happy way there to become their angry stock investors inside.

Now combining it with a disciplined investment strategy, you can enjoy a retirement plan so you can rest assured that your retirement fund will always be safe and growing, while focusing on the business at hand, becoming the best penny stock investor ,You can.

All the best and happy investments!

Randall Cox

PS is in my next article entitled "Creating an Investment" Safety Net "With Old-fashioned Insurance". I will reveal the little-known tips and strategies that most married couples have not considered. These concepts will help those partners who have an investor's mind and another married couple who are frightened by the risk of financial futures, who don't even send out a quarter of the public phone calls for fear of losing it. And HNWIs have used these secrets in order to get tax-free cash investments and buy businesses.

Orignal From: "Guaranteed retirement investment" requires thoughtful planning and education

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