Thursday, May 16, 2019

Four things to pay attention to before the foot surgery

For anyone who is undergoing foot surgery, there are some questions and concerns that are common, as planning for correcting a foot or ankle surgery may be a huge decision in life. The best doctors and surgeons will not only assess and diagnose your feet and ankles, but will also discuss the procedure with you to resolve any problems you may have. However, you can also use your simple tips to make your surgery successful and accelerate your recovery.

1. Arrange for surgery

Although this should be self-evident, the first step in making a successful operation is to make the right arrangements. Although you may have some preferences because you want surgery and when to plan for recovery, a good rule of thumb is to avoid surgery within three months of any travel plan you may have. Although you may prefer morning to evening and evening, and vice versa, the actual time of surgery is usually set one or two days before surgery.

2. Preoperative visit

Preoperative follow-up is critical to ensuring the success of your surgery. The purpose of these visits is multifaceted. First, your surgeon will check your general health to make sure your health is adequate for surgery and provide you with information and detailed plans about the procedure. He or she will also tell you what to do before and after the operation. It may be that you will also give any painkillers after the operation so that you can take them in advance. Take advantage of these visits with a very forward-looking understanding of your health and medical history.

3. Check your existing meditation

Another thing you need to be completely open to the surgeon is any medication you are taking. The reason is that certain drugs can have a negative effect on certain anesthetics and drugs, or can cause excessive bleeding. Avoid using any blood thinner or aspirin because these diluents are known to dilute the blood. In addition, you will need to stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs, any corticosteroids, methotrexate, enbrel, plaquenil or any chemotherapy drug, as these have been shown to slow the healing of bones and wounds.

4. Dismissal of alcohol and smoking

If you smoke or drink here or there, you may wish to stop these habits before surgery until you recover. The reason for getting rid of bad habits is that they increase the risk of heart and lung complications in cigarettes, and because alcohol mixes with many post-operative pain medications, it can cause adverse reactions. In addition, these abuses can interfere with your body's absorption of nutrients and minerals needed for complete recovery.

Orignal From: Four things to pay attention to before the foot surgery

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