Thursday, May 9, 2019

Cupping therapy for eczema

I have several subscriptions to my regular eczema newsletter that I wrote about cupping therapy. Their traditional Chinese medicine [TCM] practitioners advised them to try cupping for eczema as part of a holistic treatment. Although it is too early to report whether treatment is helpful to them, I am beginning to learn more about this treatment [almost for most of us].

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of Chinese medicine treatment, just like acupuncture. This is the art of using plastic or glass cups, and finally the vacuum ball is placed on the skin to create a vacuum. Vacuum can cause local congestion, absorb the skin and open the body's meridians. According to the TCM, the meridian is the channel through which energy enters and flows. Diseases and diseases occur in the meridian channel. Opening the channel helps speed recovery and bring recovery.

Cupping therapy obviously has many benefits for the skin. It activates your skin tissue and releases them toxins. This detoxification treatment can also improve the condition of varicose veins because it removes blood clotting from arteries, capillaries and veins. Most importantly, cupping therapy is thought to stimulate your lymphatic system - this system can produce antibodies to help fight the disease.

It is said that these cupping therapies have proven to be another alternative to treating eczema, as well as other skin problems such as bo. A large part of this is due to the fact that treatment can remove the skin of the pathogen - it can also trigger an episode of eczema. Cupping therapy can also improve blood circulation and improve its purification. Because some theories suggest that certain types of eczema are caused by blood circulation problems, cupping therapy may be the answer to eczema treatment.

Plastic or glass is placed in certain parts of the body during treatment. The location of the eczema is particularly near the navel, below the knee, at the upper end of the spinal cord, directly above the ankle joint. When using plastic cups or glasses for treatment in these areas, you feel calm and relaxed. In fact, this is what you expect from a cupping therapy. You may find yourself asleep during the session and feel more energetic and energetic when you wake up.

Cupping therapy, as an alternative to eczema treatment, is definitely worth trying; because conventional drugs can't cure eczema. In fact, what doctors can do for you now is a different way to reduce the discomfort caused by your eczema condition. In addition, there is no guarantee of complete recovery. You will find that you get an eczema outbreak again and again. Here, it seems that combining the good effects of alternative therapies with modern science may be just the best way to cure yourself from eczema.

Orignal From: Cupping therapy for eczema

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