Tuesday, May 7, 2019

A brief history of Stephen Hawking's time: compared with the results of the Boson Experiment at CERN

1 Introduction:

Stephen Hawking is considered one of the most popular science writers in the world. In particular, his book "A Brief History of Time" is a bestseller in the best-selling science books, covering the evolution of the universe from the Big Bang to the Black Hole.

All aspects of the evolution of the universe on the basis of physics have been dealt with in a powerful way in the book, and it deserves the best. But any physics theory requires empirical proof, and the signer authors attempt to analyze the theory using the experimental results of the recent CERN experiments [also known as hadron experiments]. The analysis results are as follows.

The purpose of this paper begins with a description of the theory that Stephen Hawking proposed in his book, and then compares it with the results of the CERN experiment and other popular books by Irving Schrödinger, Fritjof Capra, JBSHaldane, and Ernst Opik. The three main findings of this book are presented in the absence of experimental support.

2. Questions considered in the book "A Brief History of Time":

The main questions that Stephen Hawking puts forward in the book are:

Do you have time to start?

Will time go backwards?

Is the universe infinite or bound?

3. Question 1, the concept of time according to Stephen Hawking:

Stephen Hawking used the concept of increasing entropy as a measure of time in this book. In fact, he defined three concepts to define the concept of the arrow of time:

1. The increase in entropy,

2. Psychological time. Arrange events and sequences in order

3. The direction of the expansion of the universe [Chapter 9, Arrow of Time]

Although he believes that all three are true reflections of the time arrow [time forward], he highlights entropy because he believes that entropy increases to a measurable quantity and is completely reversible in the reverse direction so that it can Time travel in the direction. We already know that entropy [disorder] increases over time. Therefore, he concluded that the increase in entropy is an increase in time.

We have previously studied entropy as a way to measure obstacles. The disorder of the universe tends to be the greatest, thus marking the death of the universe. Therefore, Mr. Hawking began with zero disorder and measured the age of the universe from the current disordered number, which is somewhat similar to the carbon age.

The assumption that the reverse entropy reduces time cannot be proved empirically. This disease, one day, the disease may be completely offset by some natural forces, and the order may recover. Therefore, using the entropy measurement time is basically impossible, unlike measuring the earth age using the carbon dating method. Mr. Hawking also proposed the concept of negative entropy, which is a measure of the order of time reversal. To this end, he uses a jigsaw puzzle as an example [p. 154].

He claims that the initial position of the jigsaw pieces that make up the entire image is ordered and marks the time as zero. Then its position becomes disordered, marking the progress of time. When they reassemble, the time reverses in the negative direction and becomes zero when the perfect order is regained. The same is true for broken cups. In the process of advancement, it enters a completely disordered state, and in the opposite direction, it brings order.

For the sake of simplicity, let me follow the scenario of Stephen Hawking, giving the time arrow flow chart in the following two directions:

First, the movement of the universe in the direction of advancement:

1.Zero Time represents the perfect order,

2. Time progress means that disorder increases. [more entropy]

3. End of time means maximum disorder or maximum entropy [singularity]

Second, the back:

1.End of Time means. Biggest confusion

2. Temporal degradation: reduced turbulence [sequence or negative entropy increase]

3. Start time means perfect order [zero entropy]

This is a vivid description of the time of entropy given by Stephen Hawking in his book A Brief History of Time.

4. Discussion on entropy and negative entropy:

A detailed discussion of this topic has been completed by the author and the reference author is referred to in ezinearticles.com, "What is life?" References - No. 6488527, September 2, 2011, in which the concepts of entropy and negative entropy are I reviewed it when I reviewed Erwin Schrodinger.

Both have only two forms of energy. We cannot measure energy by reversing the order of entropy. This is like saying that if the minute hand travels on the opposite side, the time will also travel in the opposite direction. Energy is expressed in different forms. The total energy is always a constant, which means that there is no absolute time in terms of the energy of the universe. Time can be used to measure changes in energy rather than in the opposite direction, ie the energy of the measured time.

This also answers the second question mentioned in the book. There is no doubt that time runs in the opposite direction, because we describe it as time, just various forms of energy, whether forward or backward, so there is no negative time. For example, if I travel from India to London for 8 hours, travel from London to India is 8 hours instead of -8 hours. There is no doubt that the distance is the opposite direction, that is, negative. This will clearly show that any position of energy will be measured in time in only one direction and cannot be reversed.

This is an important secret of time and energy. Various forms of general energy are formed with energy rules including entropy, bypassing other rules to keep time invariant.

This does not require any experimental evidence. A deep insight will make those who are not prejudiced understand this fact.

5: Question 3: Is the universe infinite or bound?

Before analyzing the importance of this theory, let us look at another aspect of his book, the formation of the universe.

Stephen Hawking has blamed BIG BANG for the formation and movement of the universe. His theory is that the universe begins with the big bang, its movement is because of its influence, and TIME starts from that point. Therefore, the big bang is the starting point of space and time. Let's see how the CERN experiment completely contradicts it.

CERN [European Nuclear Research Center] experiment:

Note: The full details and finer aspects of the experiment are beyond the scope of this article. We only see aspects related to this topic.

Let us start our research from the Higgs boson discovered by the Higgs Boson Institute.

6. What is the Higgs boson?

The Higgs boson is a spin zero particle, and the non-zero mass predicted by Peter Higgs [b. 1929] exists in some weak powers that require large accelerators [such as W and Z bosons]. . This is the new particle that scientists used as LARGE HADRON COLLIDER [LHC] on July 3 this year. In 1960, Higgs assumed the existence of an energy field and related particles, which allowed the particles to be obtained without destructive force uniformity. quality. The latest data revealing the existence of 125 GeV mass particles marks the high point of precision experimental high-energy physics. Scientists at the CERN have announced that they have discovered the God Particle - a key particle in the formation of the universe. We will see the following two theories in this regard.

One. Prediction by Satyendra Nath Bose [1894-1974]

Indian-born scientist Satyendra Nath Bose [named after BOSON - Boson means obeying Bose-Einstein's statistical particles] predicts the existence of elementary particles, which consist of only these particles and their derivatives.

b.To of Physics and Boson Experiment:

Fritjof Capra [b. 1939] realized that ocean waves, solar radiation and thinking waves are the true reflections of atomic vibrations and can be called atomic dances. The Indian saints used to regard "creation" as an eternal process. Without any beginning or end, scientists also regarded the universe as an eternal process.

The birth and death of material particles and life have not stopped. So the dance of the atom will never stop. Forming billions of atoms and then destroying them every second, this is called "the dance of the universe."

The source of this activity is the boson of Higgs, which has been confirmed by the CERN experiment.

7. How does the CERN experiment deny Stephen Hawking's theory?

Scientists like Einstein did not approve the Big Bang as the starting point for the universe. Einstein proposed a "steady state model". He believed that the universe always existed, similar to Indian philosophy and holistic philosophy. Ernst J. Opik's model is an improved version of the Einstein model, which shows that the universe can expand and shrink. Scientists do not agree that the Big Bang is the starting point of the universe.

The enormous energy required to create or separate a Higgs boson can demonstrate the enormous energy needed to make a big explosion. Therefore, it can be concluded that there was tremendous energy before the big bang, and it continued during the big bang and even today. Thus, as mentioned above, various forms of the universe are merely representations of the overall energy of various forms.

Regarding the boundaries of the universe, the author clarified in the previous article that OBJECTS created its own space, and there is no separate entity called SPACE, so there is no boundary problem. In this regard, the reader can refer to the book "Expanded Universe" by J.B.S Haldane.

Therefore, the author concludes through this paper:

Time is a measure of the various changes in energy levels. It has no direction.

2. Space is created only by objects, no...

Orignal From: A brief history of Stephen Hawking's time: compared with the results of the Boson Experiment at CERN

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