Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Roadmap for success and personal achievement in life and work

Success and personal achievement are more than just rich - material assets, titles or degrees. Success is when you achieve your goals for yourself - by overcoming obstacles and creating value for others, these goals have lengthened you in personal development.

One of Jim Rohn's favorite words is "set a goal to become a millionaire - not for money, but for the people you will become."

Without the goals you want to achieve and the ideas that help you draw all aspects of your life, you can't succeed. Similar to the roadmap, your vision needs to define origin, destination, strategy, toolkit, mileage and mission.

Origin: Who are you now?

Each roadmap has a starting point. Your origin is what you are now. Most people are asked to introduce themselves: "Hey, I am John, I am a 22-year-old IT professional." It does not tell you who John is; it only tells you his current job role. To get your own insights, you need to first examine your beliefs, values ​​and principles that are the foundation of your attitudes and lifestyles as well as others. This has nothing to do with your financial situation, career, culture or religion.

Try to reflect on the major events in your life, or the everyday things that happen to you. How do you treat the inner and outer reactions of others? This will give you insight into your role and help you identify strengths and weaknesses.

In doing so, John feels that he is a dynamic, generous and hard-working person, but he has a short-lived fusion with friends and work collections, and is too brave when faced with difficulties. He prefers computer-type work, but believes that life must serve a purpose, and every day is precious.

Destination: Where do you want to go?

This is about where you will see yourself in your personal development. It is now important that you first self-reflect as described above and then try to determine who you want to be.

You may know someone you respect your life or work. What do you admire for their key attributes? How do they cope with challenges, how they express themselves, and how they inspire you.

In this way, you can identify things that are relevant to you, and these things are what you want to change. These may be attitudes, habits, leadership, confidence, ambition, determination or values, principles and philosophy. If you know yourself very well, then your vision and goals for the future will be unclear.

Your destination can involve physical, emotional, intellectual and/or spiritual goals. Continuing John's story, after he defined the beliefs, values, and philosophy of life, he ordered him to have a life to help others succeed.

Strategy: Your strategy, leverage and mentor

The strategy drives the way you can reach your destination. This is the reason behind the so-called "career" in life. To a large extent, your mission depends on what you know about yourself.

Based on John's self-assessment, he believes he is qualified to be an entrepreneur and he wants to be an entrepreneur. The profession he chose was an internet marketer. Fully describe his strategy: living in a developing country dedicated to serving others.

Travel Set: Your knowledge, skills and attitudes

Travel kits include food, beverages, first aid kits, spare tires and other travel essentials. Apply this concept to your life map and you can carry some knowledge, skills and attitudes with you. In addition to your resourcefulness and determination, these determine your ability and help you achieve your goals.

Therefore, it is important to assess the knowledge, skills and attitudes you currently have and the knowledge you need to get on the road. These two sections of analysis will enable you to identify key milestones or success indicators.

John realized that he needed to acquire marketing expertise and skills so that he could become a businessman. He knew that he was a little impatient with people, so he realized that this was an area of ​​his personal development and he had to work hard.

Milestones: goals and activities along the way

A milestone is a way to check if you are on the right path and have a good time on your route. Milestones and travel time are also valuable when you plan to live. These are the criteria for your success.

If your goal is "smart", you can check if you have encountered them in a very practical way. SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound.

For example, setting two major milestones is unrealistic, such as studying for a master's degree and a doctorate in just three years. Although they are very specific, measurable and time-limited, they are not achievable or unrealistic because they require 1-2 years for master's degree and 3 to 5 years.

John may determine the following milestones on his life roadmap: completing a bachelor's degree in economics and business at the age of 21; completing an MBA under the age of 25; realizing his specialization in wealth management at the age of 30; at 32 Start your own business before; provide entrepreneurship in African countries before the age of 35.

Mission: Your determination and persistence

The goal of your life roadmap is to minimize hasty unplanned decisions that will get you off track but flexible enough that you can adjust things on the road.

Life inevitably puts opportunities and obstacles on your path, causing inconvenience, delays and other circumstances beyond our personal control. Just like any journey, there are crossroads, bends and potholes to negotiate. You should predict them, celebrate the challenges and adjust accordingly. While paying attention to your destination, make sure you also enjoy the journey.

Orignal From: Roadmap for success and personal achievement in life and work

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