Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Rainforest Birds - Gouldian Finch

Bird name:

Gouldian Finch

Latin name:

Erythrura gouldiae


Most need not worry

Scientific classification:

Kingdom: Animal Kingdom

Door: Chordata

Class: Aves

Order: Passeriformes

Family: Estrildidae

Genus: Erythrura

Type: E. gouldiae

General information:

Gouldian Finch is also known as Painted Finch, Rainbow Finch and Lady Gouldian Finch. Australia's endangered species, native to Australia, is considered one of the most visually attractive species of all birds and is a coveted pet. It breeds in captivity, but there are less than 2,500 people left in the wild. It has been included in the hosting of the Recovery and Protection Program.

A highly social creature that shares the hollow part of the same tree during reproduction and can be seen in hundreds of flashes.

Physical description:

On average, these birds are 5.1-5.5 inches in length and weigh approximately 15 grams at maturity. Wild Gouldians appear in three different specific color patterns. The head is orange, red or black, and the body's reminder is olive green, the chest is purple, and the lower abdomen is yellow. Female feathers tend to be pale. One suggested reason is that a colorful male can better disperse the predator away from the nest. The teenager's head, sides and neck are gray, with olive-green backs, wings and tails.

Due to its popularity as a pet, selective breeding has produced a wider range of feather patterns in domestically raised birds. These mutations include yellow, blue or silver instead of the natural olive green on the back.


Like all birds, these birds are seed eater. They are not ground breeders and prefer to eat semi-mature to mature grass seeds in tall grass. Insects, such as beetles and termites, are also part of their diet.


Gouldian Finch is a endemic species in northern Australia from the Cape York Peninsula to the northwest of Queensland, the northern part of the north, and the eastern to Kimberley of Western Australia. Its natural habitat is the tropical Savannah woodland - an open plain, scattered with tall trees, or mangrove edges and bushes. It tends to get used to areas close to water. The bird migrated most of the time, moving south during the rainy season and returning to the north during the dry months. It is nested in a hole, usually using a termite mound or a hollow tree.


These birds are monogamous and paired for life. Reproduction usually occurs in the final stages of the rainy season, when food is reliably enriched. The male shows his colorful feathers by shaking and folding his feathers. Then he reached out his chest to reveal the feathers on his forehead. The female produces a clutch of about 4-8 eggs and can sustain 3 eggs in a row. Both men and women bear responsibility for eggs during the day, but only women stay on the eggs at night. Incubation usually lasts 14-19 days. After the eggs hatch, both parents take care of the young. These birds usually leave the nest at 21-24 days of age.

Orignal From: Rainforest Birds - Gouldian Finch

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