Sunday, April 21, 2019

Neck pain - low back pain - the role of Latissimus Dorsi (bridge)

The latissimus dorsi is the strongest muscle on the back. This muscle pain and cramps can cause significant back pain and neck pain.

It is a very large triangular muscle that extends from the armpit to the lower back. It originates from the next six thoracic vertebrae, the lumbosacral fascia, the pelvic bones called the humerus, and the lower three to four ribs. It is inserted into the bottom of the front upper groove of the arm bone [tibia], called the biceps groove, very close to the shoulder joint.

Its purpose is to bring the arm closer to the body [adduction] and roll the arm inward, just like putting your hand behind the body [inside rotation] and arming backwards [stretching]. The nerve supply to this muscle is the thoracodorsal nerve, which carries the spinal nerve fibers of the C6, C7 and C8 nerve roots.

This very powerful muscle can lift the body of the ground like a walking stick, climb a pole and slide the body on the horizontal pole. In these activities, it works with the pectoralis major and abdominal muscles. It is used for swimming, especially during the crawling downstroke. Most swimmers have very developed latissimus dorsi, making them V-shaped and wide shoulders down to the waist.

Rowing activities are mainly the function of the latissimus dorsi. When pitching a baseball, it contracts very strongly during the late batting phase. Acceleration of the arm during a throwing activity involves prolonging the contraction of the latissimus dorsi, which causes the muscle to be injured.

The activity of the head, especially the resistance to resistance during climbing, is a condition that requires prolonged contraction to damage the muscles. Pull-down and chin activities require a significant reduction in the contraction of the latissimus dorsi.

This muscle also raises the lower ribs and helps to breathe. Many patients with latissimus dorsi pain and spasm complain of deep breathing pain and pain on both sides of the chest wall.

The latissimus dorsi is the bridge between the back and the neck. Therefore, the neck and the entire mid-lower back must be treated in order to properly treat the muscle. If the latissimus dorsi is not functioning properly, it will be lifted by shoulder milling. Therefore, the pain along the slope of the slope is mainly from the pain of the trapezius muscle and cannot be treated by topical treatment only on the trapezius muscle. Therefore, in the absence of the latissimus dorsi, the pain that first treats the muscle region of the trapezius muscle will recur.

Similarly, low back pain treatment must always include treatment of the latissimus dorsi. Because they are inserted into the thoracolumbar fascia, the latissimus dorsi can be treated correctly after the gluteus maximus is treated.

Before the "triple treatment" involving the gluteus maximus, latissimus dorsi and trapezius, there must be any symptoms involving back pain and discomfort.

Since the latissimus dorsi is often exposed to prolonged contractions of daily living activities, most people have chronic tightness and shorten this muscle. This results in a significant limitation of the range of motion of the shoulder for internal rotation and stretching.

  Therefore, further damage to the damaged C6 and C7 nerve roots will further tighten and shorten the latissimus dorsi, making it difficult to treat.

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Orignal From: Neck pain - low back pain - the role of Latissimus Dorsi (bridge)

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