Sunday, April 21, 2019

Book Review: Reagan casualties in Jacob Czararas

Clayzaras began writing this book, trying to connect President Reagan, one of the world's most heroic anti-communists, to the communist dictator Pol Pot. This is an obvious lie. President Reagan often talks about the evils of communism. How can he form an alliance with people like Potter? The next chapter is even more embarrassing because the authors attempt to link the three genocides to Reagan.

The first is East Timor, followed by Guatemala. Given Reagan's love of human rights around the world, this is obviously a ridiculous statement. Although I know that the recent courts and historical remains [inadvertently filled with socialists and Soviet sympathizers] found that Reagan's allies in the fight against communism in Central America "genocide" the "Maya Indians", but I won't believe this second. He then continued to accuse the US government of being responsible for Saddam Hussein's attack on Iraqi Kurds in the late 1980s. Yes, Reagan did provide weapons to Saddam, but this is only because Iraq is fighting the Iran-Iraq war and needs our help to win. In this case, what these weapons ultimately use is not something we care about. The killing of civilians is regrettable, but President Reagan cannot know that this will happen. It is totally unfair for Mr. Reagan to be accused.

There are many complaints about the random theme of Pakistan's nuclear program and Grenada's liberation, but it should be fully clear what it is: another liberal trying to make Reagan look bad. Michael Moore tried, Will Bunch tried it, and now Jacob Klezaras wants you to believe that The Great Communicator is a war criminal. It is completely ridiculous to criticize the foreign policy of those who ended the Cold War and defeated the Soviet Union. The left is clearly afraid of Reagan's legacy and its conservative values ​​as part of it. At first I thought that this book was not worth my time, but after looking at the dangers inside, I think someone must refute it. I beg my fellow patriots, please don't let the liberals rewrite our proud history to suit them, and challenge them when they try. I condemn Mr. Clejalas's book as just another left-wing propaganda book.

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