Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Insurance Marketing: Transforming your creature from obsolete to stellar

How good is your professional biology to show you? Will it tell your personal brand story? Is it up to date and compelling?

Unfortunately, most insurance professional creatures are old and boring. They lack inner strength, depth and inspiration. Company profiles are often filled with clichés and jargon in the insurance industry. A typical execution creature is no better than a resume - a list of work and skill items that are easily forgotten.

A descriptive and well-written commercial creature provides a personal face for your product, making the insurance prospect feel more comfortable and relaxing. It clearly expresses your credibility and demonstrates your success, so that your potential customers can believe that you can deliver on your promises.

Professional bios are versatile insurance marketing products. They can be incorporated into insurance websites, brochures and sales lists. They can also be used to:

  • Insurance article signature
  • Speech event
  • Professional presentation
  • Networking
  • LinkedIn and other social network profiles

Professional BIOS is strongly recommended for insurance executives, insurance agents and anyone else who develops and markets personal brands. In fact, some innovative, service-oriented insurers show bios on their websites for all customer-facing employees.


  • Use a vivid example of your abilities.
  • Includes objective measures of your success.
  • Add some interesting quotes.
  • Maintain formal writing and third person.
  • Customize your creature for each potential audience.

BIO Don&#t. Ts

  • Avoid using long-term resume-based job listings.
  • Don't write the first person.
  • Resist the lengthy impulses. Most BIOS can be done in one or two pages.

Should you tell your professional story in a relevant and interesting way to your target market?

Orignal From: Insurance Marketing: Transforming your creature from obsolete to stellar

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