Sunday, April 21, 2019

Helping my back pain - pain relief therapy

Treatment helps back pain
Low back pain, sometimes referred to as low back pain or sciatica, is a common condition affecting approximately 60% of adults and seeking to get rid of back pain. The problem is very serious. In the UK alone, due to low back pain, the industrial loss is about 150 million person-days. Often, the symptoms of low back pain are benign musculoskeletal problems often caused by strain in the lower back muscles or soft tissues, and these problems are resolved using common sense measures within a few weeks.

To help relieve pain, the basic origin of back pain is usually determined by a combination of medical history, physical examination, and, if necessary, diagnostic investigations [eg, X-ray, MRI, or CT scans]. Usually, low back pain or low back pain can be routinely treated. One suggestion is physical therapy, which may help relieve symptoms and relieve pain. A summary of some of the common therapies for pain relief are listed below: -

Acupuncture treatment originated in China more than 2,000 years ago. As we all know, the first observation was the soldiers, who were injured in the battle with arrows and how the arrows were pierced. Causes damage to different parts of the victim's body away from the wound area. The general theory behind traditional acupuncture is that patterns or meridians based on body energy flow are critical to health. This is called Qi or Chi, sometimes called Xue. This disruption of flow is considered to be the main cause of pain and disease. Acupuncture attempts to correct blood flow imbalances and thus help restore patient health.

How does acupuncture work?
In a broad sense, the concentration of acupuncture stimulates a series of techniques along the point of these energies. Stimulation is usually performed using very fine needles, giving a mild feeling. Each of these pins is inserted at a particular point along these energy pathways. Or Meridian '.

Acupuncture can help my back pain
Acupuncture is believed to be useful in the treatment of low back pain, sciatica, stiffness and tension. In traditional acupuncture theory, pain is caused by energy blocked along the energy pathway. Or the body of the Meridian ' is cleared ' when inserting an acupuncture needle. In modern medicine, scientific reasons have been proposed for the apprentice benefit of acupuncture for patients with lower back pain. One observation is that acupuncture stimulation results in the release of neurochemicals and hormones, is associated with the production of signals that alleviate the sympathetic nervous system, and releases natural opioids that provide relief of back pain.

Alexander technology
Alexander technology is a way to change [sports] habits in everyday activities. This is a simple and practical way to improve the convenience and freedom of movement, balance, support and coordination. This technology can use the right amount of effort for a particular activity to provide more energy for all of your activities. It is not a series of treatments or exercises, but a re-education of the body and mind. Alexander technology is a way to help people discover new balances by releasing unnecessary tension. It can be used for sitting, lying, standing, walking, lifting and other daily activities.

How does Alexander Technique work?
Alexander Technology shows students how to learn to do whatever they are doing as easily and efficiently as possible. It pays almost exclusively attention to the process - how to perform the activity and not what it is. Although there is no exercise, Alexander technology shows how to exercise more effectively and reduce the risk of injury. Many people seeking relief from back pain are attracted to this technique because it helps with back pain or back pain, neck and shoulder stiffness, and other diseases such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Teacher Alexander is not a doctor and does not diagnose the disease.

Alexander technology can help my back pain
Patients with long-term or chronic back pain can soothe and alleviate their symptoms by learning more about how the body works and learning how to "eliminate" bad physical practices. Students of Alexander Technology can learn how to explain how students liberate unnecessary muscle tension and a more free movement, thereby relieving stress and relieving pain.

Bowen therapy
Bowen Technology is a soft tissue treatment that is named after its innovator, Tom Bowen. This therapy is not considered a massage, but as a non-invasive muscle release and integration technique, but similar to massage, it releases muscle tension. Its clients describe a significant relaxation experience after a meeting.

How does Bowen therapy work?
This technique involves the therapist using his fingers or thumb to move muscles, ligament tendons and fascia on various parts of the body. The work is very subtle, easy and gentle, without any hard or prolonged stress. During the session, the client will lie on the physiotherapy table or bed, although he can work effectively with the client sitting in the chair.

Bowen therapy can help my back pain
The most common manifestation is to relieve back pain, where Bowen is good at it. For most therapists, the average number of treatments is 2 or 3 times. There are always exceptions to any rule, and some people need further or even continuous treatment. Sports injuries are a field of treatment and are gradually becoming aware of Bowen technology. Bowen technology is being used in high-level sports in the country, and football clubs and Premier League football clubs have shown interest. Bowen therapists advocate this to reduce or eliminate or help back pain and promote overall health
Source: European Bowen College

Chiropractic is a technique that focuses on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. The principle of chiropractic therapy is that the key to health is the spine-centered nervous system. If the spine is properly aligned, optimal motion can occur and the patient can achieve improved health.

Chiropractors usually resolve "semi-dislocation" - dislocation of the spine bones, resulting in reduced movement or normal menstruation, leading to damage to the nervous system or nerve stimulation.

How does chiropractic therapy work?
When seeking to help with back pain, the chiropractor will usually examine the patient's spine and examine any patient's medical history to identify any previous injuries, accidents or strains that may compromise normal functioning. Chiropractors sometimes order X-rays to help determine this. A common form of chiropractic treatment is spinal manipulation or adjustment. This is usually done by manually manipulating the affected spinal joints in an attempt to increase or relieve joint mobility.

Other tools are sometimes used to promote rehabilitation, including rehabilitation exercises, nutrition and lifestyle improvement programs. The amount and frequency of treatment required will vary depending on the nature and severity of the condition.

Chiropractic can help my back pain
The chiropractor will try to focus on the basic mechanical and neurological diseases of the spine to reduce back pain and other symptoms caused by spinal dysfunction. He will focus on natural health work to encourage the body to repair itself to improve health. Spinal correction care is generally safe as a treatment for back pain when used skillfully and properly. Manipulation is considered to be reliable and safe, but as with all therapeutic interventions, complications may occur and are known to have side effects

The Feldenkrais method is a physical education system designed by Moshé Feldenkrais [1904-1984], based on physics, neurology and biomechanics. The Feldenkrais method aims to improve the movement of the repertoire, aiming to expand and perfect the use of self through consciousness to reduce pain or restriction in exercise, promote posture and general well-being. The Feldenkrais method is generally considered to be in the field of complementary medicine, a means of re-engineering the neuromuscular system, redefining exercise to improve efficiency and reduce stress.

How does Feldenkrais work?
The Feldenkrais Method is taught in two free formats - "through movement awareness" and the integration of one-on-one professors through courses and functions.

In teaching and through the consciousness of movement #39; in the classroom, the teacher will lead the class through a series of actions involving standing, sitting in a chair or sitting or lying on the floor. One of the key goals is to teach students how to reduce unnecessary muscle movements and to understand their overall self during exercise.

In a functional integration course, a trained practitioner uses his or her hand to guide the movement of a single pupil that may sit, lie or stand. Practitioners use this "hands-on" technique to help students experience connections between parts of the body [with or without exercise]. Through the precision of touch and movement, students learn how to eliminate extra effort and then move more freely and more easily. Courses may be specific to a student's specific problem or may be more global. Although this technique is not specifically designed to eliminate pain or "cure" physical discomfort, these issues may provide information for the course. Problems such as chronic muscle pain may solve them because students may learn an easier way to experience his or her physical experience - more...

Orignal From: Helping my back pain - pain relief therapy

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