Sunday, April 21, 2019

Comments - Snowden: Biography

Snowden, Ted Rall, Seven Stories Press, 2015

This book looks at the life and motivation of Edward Snowden in the form of a graphic novel. Edward Snowden is one of the most famous or notorious people in the world.

Snowden grew up in Maryland and is only a few miles from the National Security Agency [NSA] headquarters. This is a community where a learner does not ask their neighbors or their spouses what they are doing for life; it may be secret. The attempt to join the Army after the 9/11 incident was unsuccessful. As a CIA employee, he has been stationed in Switzerland for some time. He came into contact with other value systems and began to wonder if the United States was really a "good guy."

He left the CIA, joined the NSA, and eventually became a system administrator or system administrator. He stayed in Japan for a while, which further eliminated any notice that the United States stood on the side of the angel. As a system administrator, he has access to a variety of confidential documents detailing the US surveillance program. Whenever he has a chance, he will download the file to the flash drive.

Here are a few examples. An NSA program called Captivated Audience allows them to track you on their smartphone and listen to conversations at home, even if the phone is turned off. "Gumfish" allows the NSA to take your photos at any time using the camera in your laptop. Smart TVs, those that allow streaming of web content, have a camera that the government can activate at any time, and can watch anyone at any time [such as Orwell's "1984" TV screen].

Now working for a National Security Agency contractor in Honolulu, one day Snowden used his flash drive to take a taxi to the airport. His next stop was Hong Kong, and he leaked his message to several reporters. After the global explosion, he plans to fly to Latin America for asylum. In the air, his passport was revoked. He also knew that if he flew over the airspace of the American allies, the ally would force the plane to land. Snowden will be arrested, handed over to the US authorities and "disappeared" [eg Bradley / Chelsea Manning]. Snowden arrived in Moscow and he is still there today.

Say what you think of Edward Snowden [he is a hero or he is a traitor], this is an excellent, very easy to read, see why he did what he did. Very strongly recommended.

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