Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Cardiovascular training - from the bottom of my heart!

Cardiovascular training or aerobic exercise requires a different approach than other body parts. The "core" of cardiovascular training is a basic premise: if you increase your heart rate to 65-80% of the maximum and keep it for at least 12 minutes, it will stimulate the production of fat burning enzymes. It also strengthens your heart, increases your lungs' ability, and re-oxygenates blood more efficiently. The idea here is not to get yourself into a frenzy and to exceed the target heart rate, but to stay at a maximum of 65-80% of the magic training range for at least 12 minutes, preferably 20 to 30 minutes.

Clever reminder: Long training will definitely speed up your progress, but will not be based on a 1:1 linearity. Studies have shown that the first 12 minutes of aerobic exercise produce a more attractive training effect than the second 12 minutes. Therefore, unless you are already in a fairly good state, it is best to do it more often for 12 minutes [such as 4-6 times a week] instead of training for 30 minutes or longer. Not very common.

Many people think that the main purpose of aerobic exercise is to consume extra calories while they exercise. However, this is not entirely true. Think about it, even if you exercise for an hour, most aerobic exercise can only burn a few hundred calories. You have started to catch up with the hamburger with French fries. And you just had lunch! The real purpose of aerobic exercise is to stimulate the body's growth of natural fat burning enzymes for a long time, so you can burn more and more calories all the time, not just when you exercise. Increase the size of the fireplace and you can burn more logs. The same principles apply to your body's calorie burning potential.

Ok, the key is to improve your heart rate. But what do you do? Walking, jogging, running, cycling, boating, skipping, running and aerobic dance are all good. As long as your heart rate rises to your training range and stays for at least 12 minutes, any of these activities will do well. However, SmartGYM's aerobics program has an advantage. You can not only walk, jog or run SmartGYM's powerful Power Band resistance system, but also perform upper body strength training at the same time. And because you can participate in more muscle groups at the same time, you get results faster.

Heart rate and training range...

To determine your training range, simply calculate the lower limit of 65% of your age-predicted maximum heart rate and the upper limit of 80% of your age-predicted maximum heart rate. Age predicts maximum heart rate = 220 minus your age. For example, if you are 45 years old, your lower limit is 220 - 45 x 0.65 = 114. Again, your upper limit is 220 - 45 x 0.80 = 140. If your heart rate is increased to between 114 and 140, continuous beats per minute are at least 12 In minutes, you will get the training you need.

Smart Tip: It takes a few minutes of exercise to get your heart rate up to the training range. This time does not count towards your 12 minutes.

Grab your pulse!

Check your pulse by gently placing your index and middle fingers against the carotid artery on either side of the neck below the neck curve. Calculate the beat for 6 minutes and multiply by 10 to calculate the heartbeat per minute. Or, for a rough estimate, you can use the "talk test." If you are panting and panting so that you can't talk, then you may overtrain and go beyond training.

Consistency is the key. If you do 2-4 times a week for 12 minutes, within a few weeks, you will start to notice that you won't get tired easily, your body will start burning calories more efficiently and start losing some of its fat storage [ Let you eat a sensible low-fat diet!].

Orignal From: Cardiovascular training - from the bottom of my heart!

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