Thursday, May 16, 2019

Treat athlete's feet - make your feet feel free

Just as fungi live on the bark and wood of dead trees, certain types of fungi may also live on the surface of the skin, especially in most parts of the body. In certain types of diseases, such as diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, fungi may invade living tissue. However, this does not happen in healthy people. Fungi exist in many forms, leading to many different conditions, so how do we treat the toes?

The athlete's foot is a form of the ankle of the foot. This is especially true in warmer climates and by people who are sweating due to excessive sweating. When the disease persists for a long time, the toenails may become thicker.

The athlete's foot fungus is the same as the fungus that causes hyperthyroidism or toenail fungus infection. In fact, not only does a fungus can do this, although there are several species that can explain most infections. A group of fungi, collectively known as dermatophytes, causes fungal infections of hair, nails and skin.

To help treat the feet, wash your feet twice a day, dry, and wipe off the loose dead skin. Next, a suitable powder containing zinc stearate or a powder containing an aliquot of a mixture of zinc oxide, zinc stearate and talc is applied. Wear light and breathable shoes, especially in warm weather. Many patients have benefits in walking barefoot. For more severe infections, soak in high temperature potassium permanganate solution. The Whitfield ointment applied daily proved to be effective, especially for infections between the toes.

The athlete's foot fungus may be much faster than the nail infection because the skin infection is excellent and the treatment is easy to get in contact with the fungus. However, to get rid of both types of foot fungus, you must stay treated until the nails look good too. Nail fungal infections are notorious for their length of time. If your athlete's foot fungus disappears and there are any signs of improvement in your nails, the treatment will work. Stick to it and you will always heal the athele foot successfully.

Orignal From: Treat athlete's feet - make your feet feel free

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