Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Positive mindset (PMA) is powerful

I remember on August 17, 2011, how did I fight the war in my room and look for the money my mother gave me money. I was scared that I had lost my money and spent hours, strewn my room upside down. Suddenly, I remembered Napoleon Hill's book on positive thinking and immediately changed my actions.

Obviously, what I have been doing doesn't work because my thoughts have accepted my fear of losing money. Therefore, I decided to sit down, stay calm and enter positive emotions. Once I became optimistic, I eliminated every doubt and fear from my mind and things became clearer. Within a few minutes, I remembered the exact location where I put the money; I glanced and found it in the jacket in the closet.

PMA [positive mentality] is a positive and correct psychological response to your sensory stimulation. "The mind is very powerful, you may not know the extent to which your thinking and strength work. According to N. Hill "We are a physical mind . "Emotions, behaviors, and opinions in our lives are the result of how our thoughts react to the environment and events in our lives, whether positive or negative; it enables you to teach and develop your thoughts and situations. Positive response to the incident.

A positive mindset can help you understand that each problem contains the seeds of its own solution, helping you to look at the problem from a positive perspective and build your optimism. Positive benefits have many benefits; some benefits are;

• You build hope and overcome despair or frustration.

• Your mind is always healthy and productive.

• The situation and environment of life will no longer easily overwhelm you.

• You develop an honest, balanced way of thinking.

• It can help you develop a sense of success.

• You can handle situations with the right actions and reactions.

In order to have a positive attitude, you need to work hard all your time; this is not a one-moon attitude. The constant practice of certain behaviors, such as the use of self-motivation, will make PMA a habit.

For example, if you are addicted to self-doubt, you can use affirmation such as "I can, I will" or "I can think of and believe, I can achieve" as your self-motivator.

Write down your self-motivators and paste them in strategic positions where you can see them at any time and recite them as much as possible before going to bed at night. Through these, you can control your thoughts and emotions and actively guide them to achieve your goals with optimism and pure mind.

A positive attitude will attract good people and good things; so develop and practice it, you will be awesome about the great benefits it brings.

Orignal From: Positive mindset (PMA) is powerful

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