Thursday, May 9, 2019

Natural treatments for acne and eczema

Natural treatments for acne and eczema are effective in improving both skin conditions. If you have been experiencing long-term chronic acne or eczema attacks, it's time to look at some solutions.

The first thing that helps resolve immediate symptoms is the use of premium aloe vera gel. Aloe vera stimulates a powerful therapeutic response and immediately produces a soothing effect. The Lily Desert is a good name for most health food stores.

The best aloe vera gel product I have ever used comes from a company called Aloe Life. It is called aloe vera skin gel. It is a very effective combination of aloe vera, comfrey, chamomile and vitamins A, C and E. Very basic, but I see it is better than most other products on the market.

Another product worth mentioning is the Cellfood Oxygen Gel. It is much more expensive than many other effective products, but if the eczema is very bad, it is even more worthwhile. It is the base of aloe vera, containing extra enzymes, trace minerals and dissolved oxygen. In my work as a nutritionist, I saw people using this product to cure skin cancer. I didn't claim that it worked for everyone, I just expressed what happened to many of the customers I've seen.

At the same time, aloe vera gel should be applied topically, and aloe vera juice should be taken internally. Take an ounce for 3-4 days on an empty stomach twice a day [morning and evening], then take 2 ounces 2 ounces a day. This should last for at least 2-3 months. Symptoms usually start to get faster [7-10 days], but a long-term solution takes a little while.

More natural treatments for acne and eczema

More natural therapies for acne and eczema skin conditions include probiotics, cultivated foods, green vegetables, dietary changes and increased water intake. We introduce these in order.

You should also actively take high-quality probiotics [at least the maximum recommended dose or recommended by a trusted practitioner who understands natural remedies]. Probiotics help strengthen the immune system. This will speed up the process of your body's natural healing mechanisms. It also helps to digest and absorb any potential problems with gut nutrients.

Eating yoghurt, yogurt, kimchi, miso and other cultured foods will help, but should not be relied upon. They are common natural home remedies, but not the most effective. They can help for a while, but not always enough to rebuild the intestinal flora balance. Do some research to get a very high potency, high quality probiotics, and plan to last 3-6 months. There may be some serious imbalances, and long-term supplements will be more likely to achieve long-term results.

I have good results with probiotics, including Jarrow-dophilus EPS [made by Jarrow Formulas], Kyo-dophilus [made by Wakanauga] and Multi-dophilus [made by Sedona Labs]. For a little more money, try Healthy Trinity [from Natren] or Dr. Ohhira's Probiotic [from the Essential Formula].

Probiotics, aloe vera gel and aloe vera juice will be effective. If you want to take it to another grade, add a super green food. Super Greenfoods will provide nutrients and chlorophyll to cleanse the blood. This, in turn, will help make your body more alkaline and more conducive to healing. Perfect food [by Life Garden], Kyo-Green [made by Wakanauga] and Just Barley [made by Pure Essence Labs] make good products. Health food stores have many high quality products to choose from. Do research, get a good product, and plan to take at least 2-3 months.

Dietary changes are essential for acne and eczema. For the sake of simplicity, I will simply say: stop eating processed foods. All potato chips, sodas, cakes, biscuits, crackers, processed meats, fast food, etc. This is junk food, you know. Start eating whole foods like fresh fruits, vegetables [especially green leafy vegetables], whole grains [not flour, real whole grains], beans, raw nuts [best almonds and walnuts], seeds and herbs.

Orignal From: Natural treatments for acne and eczema

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