Sunday, May 12, 2019

Increase your personal chances of success

Like most other things in the world, success is a subjective thing. Economically, two people may be in exactly the same situation, but one may think that they are successful, while another may think that they are financially unsuccessful. In fact, you may not think that someone is financially successful, but that person may think they are super successful. Similarly, if someone seems to be financially successful, that doesn't mean that the person has the same experience for himself. As everyone knows, your feelings about your life are important, not what other people think you should feel.

So the question now is: Do those who think they are successful will separate them from those who think they have failed? Is this self-esteem? Confidence? Or maybe it is probabilistic optimism? Do they sometimes think about it? Or do they have low expectations for themselves?

In my opinion, the perception of personal success is neither a stupid expression nor an infinite self-belief. On the contrary, personal success is the product of self-love.

Practice deep self-love in many ways to ensure your personal success. First, it will change your experience of the actual identity. You are a sacred being, perfect for all kinds of imperfect forms and shapes. As a result, your confidence and self-esteem rise, you become more optimistic, you not only begin to celebrate great achievements, but also begin to celebrate life. You think you are successful. Second, practicing self-love will send a constant message to the universe: "I deserve, please reward me." The universe responds accordingly. You begin to engage the experience and reflect the achievements that reflect your value.

Is the road to self-love now difficult? If you say this. But it doesn't have to be. Start with the novel "I love myself." No matter how false it sounds, it must be consistent with it, and the message will be passed to your core forever. If you want to take shortcuts, choose a therapy that works directly on the subconscious. Get this: Experience self-love will not only help you feel successful; it will also help you experience true love for another person. If you don't love yourself first, you can't love others. Similarly, you cannot be loved by others until you love yourself. So don't think that self-love is a selfish thing. Quite the opposite - learning to love yourself is actually the most selfless act you can perform. If we all cultivate self-love, we will all have the ability to love others and feel the success of life.

Orignal From: Increase your personal chances of success

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