Sunday, May 12, 2019

How to write a short story about school life: an example

When you write a story about school or school life, you should think about it from the end. A short story is different from a novel, which sometimes finds its way in writing; if you want it to be a good story, you need an almost complete plan and structure.

Take an important action as an example [for a short story, this is enough!]: A 12-year-old boy was driven out of school. The question is how to make an exciting and understandable story to end with this negative event.

This is the moment to build an action flow that leads to its exclusion. Of course, this means that you start thinking about the story from the end of the story, but you wrote it from the beginning. Use your experience and fantasies to find out why or why such a little boy might be excluded from school.

You know some of the core elements and patterns that can lead to it: very bad behavior, often absent without any excuses, bad performance and performance, damaging something, and other serious problems. You need to look for really serious aspects, otherwise the story is illogical or incomprehensible to the reader.

Imagine a class meeting with all the teachers and directors who only discuss the boy. What did they say there? How did the teacher judge him? Are they looking for hints for improvement? Is this a question of sympathy? What is the form of teacher's opinion? Is it wrong to have a teacher say that he will always send him home?

Try to find other facts in his life. Often, teachers are right when they find that the behavior of a student or student is unbearable. However, I believe the author's task is to look at the things behind the visible behavior. What is the condition of his family at home? Does he have friends to play with him and help him? How does his brother and sister treat him?

Maybe you can find some serious problems in your daily life outside your home or school. Maybe his father is an alcoholic, his mother is addicted to drugs - or is his best friend killed in a car accident? Maybe he is very happy with the problems he can't solve?

To manage this background, an author of a short story about a school can help explain a student's problem behavior and poor performance, rather than simply blaming someone for responsibility. So you can focus on solving the problem - even if the story only makes the problem visible.

If these related aspects are part of your plan, you can write a story no matter where you start: excluding boys, with class meetings or his justification for pain. You can now write a successful story!

Orignal From: How to write a short story about school life: an example

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