Hideki Ishikura, studying French literature at the University of Tokyo. He writes traditional Chinese poetry in a fixed form and has written more than 30,000 Chinese works in more than 300 forms in the past 12 years. Since Japanese use Chinese letters in their language, this process makes it easy for them to learn and write Chinese poetry. Listening to his recital is amazing, fun and exciting. The curse he wrote is equally educational and inspiring.
The following is a classic example of his tenacious gift and writing style, using humor to enhance his interpretation of his work:
Poet lacks talent
Beat the chicken, insult the dog -
Have a lot of resentment against Muse
I have a friend who reads this tercet. He said that this is the feeling he had after reading a poem he didn't understand. But I ask this? He started to laugh because it was the most interesting one he had ever read. Of course, people can see the humor in this work; how do poets insult the dog and such things?
Equally serious is the philosophy behind the subject and theme of the poem. This poem returns the brain to natural and natural things:
Eating flowers and drinking dew
When she sings lips
Breathing butterfly dance
Here, Ishikura has implanted images of nature in the reader's mind. Obviously, who is the problem, what or why? Imagination can investigate all dimensions. People must be aware that everything in the sun has sound; likewise, the corresponding butterfly dance is also applicable to all levels of life.
This book is not divided by name; it is only numbered by page. These poems are written in four different languages, including English, for the enjoyment of other countries and readers. The following poems take the reader into another dimension:
Clouds on the mountain top
a singing bird
What is the soul?
The imminent theory shifts the focus of this poem to a poem about the immortality of the soul. The rhetorical line raises questions about the cycle of childbirth between life and nature. Life on the top of the mountain is like a valley; however, the top of the mountain is chosen in this sestet to match the clouds, not the fog in the valley, which may be equally effective.
Obviously, a poet's thought must be an observer, and see something that ordinary people don't have and will not see or understand it. As a result, when the poet is awake or asleep, creativity flows naturally. Brainwaves are always working and implicitly thinking about evolution because it is a dynamic process rather than a static process. The following tercet gives an example of this:
On the head of the dragon
Zaffa his saw
Get the horn
In this image, the order of the evolutionary process is dynamic. From the concept of the dragon spitting in the past, the luck of moving to the dragon is different. Of course, an image of the dragon reflects the cruelty of human killing and consuming elephants. The highest ivory bidder in Africa and Asia.
This book is full of wonderful wisdom, inspiring thoughts and souls beyond conventional thinking. It is this process that brings the soul of the individual to the top of the mountain and updates life in a new form in which the mind is young and fresh with enhanced thoughts.
Orignal From: Hideki Ishikura Drunkard's Haiku - Wine Glass
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