Friday, May 10, 2019

Eczema - Causes, Types and Alternative Therapy

Eczema is also known as dermatitis or skin inflammation. It is characterized by itching, blisters, redness, swelling, oozing, scaling and squeezing. Although eczema is not life-threatening, it can be uncomfortable and affect people around eczema and people around eczema.

Eczema and allergies

Eczema occurs mostly in people with a history of hay fever, allergies, and asthma. In other cases, eczema may be situational. To avoid further irritation to the skin, use natural fabrics, non-irritating fibers, irritating substances, excess chemicals and aroma fabric softeners. Look for hypoallergenic, organic, natural fabric detergents and softeners, soaps, shampoos, lotions and any other things that come into contact with the skin.

The cause of eczema is difficult to determine because it is multifaceted, which means it is a clear symptom of deeper problems such as food allergies, intestinal leakage syndrome or other diseases. Determining food allergies and removing allergens from the diet is very important, as well as changing the diet to prevent sudden attacks. Trying alternative treatments and treatments is a proactive approach that does not require the body to take steroid [hydrocortisone] cream continuously for the treatment of itching and antihistamines.

Symptoms of eczema

  • Itching
  • Blisters
  • Red bumps
  • Swollen
  • Blood seepage
  • Zoom
  • Scarred

Type of eczema

1. Contact with eczema or dermatitis from

 - Only occurs where the irritant comes into contact with the skin. Chemicals, perfumes, light, etc.

2. Atopic dermatitis or eczema - from

 Usually in families with allergies, hay fever, B12 problems, asthma and other allergic respiratory diseases.

Baby - 2-18 months - erythema on the face, scalp and limbs; crying, hard skin.
Children, adults - local, chronic. May resolve in children between the ages of 3 and 4, and relapse during adolescence or adulthood.

3. Seborrheic dermatitis or eczema from

 - Facial, scalp, chest.

4.Nummular dermatitis or eczema from

 - Chronic, coin-shaped red spots, crusting, scaling. Occurred after the age of 35, accompanied by emotional stress, dry skin in winter.

5. Chronic eczema from

 - Hands or feet, very serious.

6. Extensive eczema from

 - Spread all over the skin.

7. Statis Eczema from

 - Browning of the lower part of the lower leg due to poor blood circulation.

8. Local scraping dermatitis or eczema from

 - Deeper plaques surrounded by white areas on the arms, legs, ankles or genitals. Scratches can make things worse. Often women are 20-50 years old.

Eczema complications

  • Leaky bowel syndrome
  • Allergies, food allergies
  • Vitamin B deficiency
  • Adrenal fatigue
  • Hay fever, allergies
  • food allergy
  • Rosacea
  • Seborrheic dermatitis

Alternative treatment for eczema

Diet treatment for eczema

A conscious change in diet will help alleviate the symptoms of eczema. It is recommended to remove food allergies, drink plenty of water, avoid triggering [usually acidic foods], and change the diet to 90-100% alkaline food.

Alkalizing the body helps relieve eczema. Certain foods produce acidic substances in the body [see table below]. When they are digested, they produce acid, which acts like a toxin to the body. The acid circulates in the body, causing damage to cells that pass through 60,000 miles of arteries, veins, and capillaries. To protect yourself, your body stores acid in fat cells, but it can't store everything. Calcium and other acid neutralizing nutrients are then removed from the body to neutralize excess acid. This can lead to osteoporosis.

If there is more acid, the body can't stop it from inflicting damage on important organs or being washed onto the skin. This can cause skin problems such as itching, dryness, rash and eczema. Here, an alkaline diet is important for health and prevention of eczema symptoms.

To monitor the pH of the body, purchase pH test paper from a pharmacy and test the urine, the pH should be 6.6-7.0 [7.0 is neutral, non-acidic or alkaline].
Record a food diary of when and what you eat, and then record your feelings. Also included are any items that come into contact with the skin, such as clothing and fabric softeners, lotions, creams, soaps, and water. This helps identify triggers and prevent sudden bursts.

Identify food allergies.

  1. Even if you don't know all your food allergies, Avoid all wheat and dairy products from

     Such as milk, cheese, etc. will help, because most people have an allergic reaction to these.
  2. Eat green leafy vegetables and fresh fruit, from

     These foods are all Alkaline from

     And prevent eczema symptoms. Some alkaline foods: asparagus, onions, vegetable juice, parsley, raw spinach, broccoli, garlic, lemon, watermelon, lime, date, fig, melon, grape, papaya, kiwi, berry, apple, pear, raisin, Olive oil, lemonade, etc.
  3. Avoiding acidic foods can increase symptoms. Avoid acidic foods: processed foods, junk food, refined carbohydrates such as white bread, white rice, sugar, etc., soda, alcohol, coffee, tea, dairy, pizza, candy, biscuits, eggs, peanuts, gelatin, meat , fish, chocolate.
  4. Raw food is best, then steamed and boiled. Avoid using microwaves, fried foods, baked goods and baked goods.
  5. Avoid excessive citrus and sour items as it may aggravate itching.
  6. Drink a lot of water from

     Removes toxins from the body during the day and aggravates symptoms.
  7. Including Essential fatty acid from

     Enter the diet, such as flax, linseed oil, extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil.
  8. For babies, if you have a family history of allergies, hay fever, asthma, food allergies, delaying solid foods may help with symptoms.

Nutritional therapy
Taking a multivitamin has a good absorption of the body and helps relieve symptoms. Take vitamins with your meal. In addition, the following may be helpful.

  • Zinc
  • Vitamin E. from

     - Reduces the susceptibility to itching and dryness. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from damage.
  • Vitamin A. from

     - Excessive use can cause itching in pregnant women and people with liver problems. Unborn children may develop deformities.
  • Vitamin B complex; from

      B6, especially B12. These vitamins help to create new skin cells and tissues and support the nervous system, which is important for immunity and normal functioning. Lowering vitamin B levels can cause itching and shedding of the skin and can cause psoriasis.
  • Vitamin C - from

     Is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from damage
  • Vitamin D from

     - Low levels may cause itching, weight loss, fatigue
  • magnesium
  • Essential fatty acid from

     - Occasional use of GLA

Eczema for chiropractic treatment

With changes in diet, nutritional therapy and other therapies, chiropractic treatments may help alleviate eczema symptoms and improve overall health. Most importantly, it balances the adrenal glands, which may overburden patients with eczema.

Cortisol is a natural antihistamine produced by the adrenal gland and has anti-inflammatory effects [anti-itching, swelling]. For patients with eczema, the adrenal gland may be overworked, leading to depletion of cortisol, as well as other health problems such as cardiovascular, digestive, immune, and musculoskeletal destruction, which can lead to osteoporosis and arthritis. Eczema is not just a rash itching, it can also cause further health problems.

Here are some ways in which chiropractic treatment can benefit eczema patients:

  • Balance hormone levels, adrenal glands
  • Increase immunity
  • Improve allergies
  • Improve gastrointestinal problems

Other treatments for eczema

These treatments may help with self-care and home care under professional supervision.

  • Body:

Shiatsu massage

  • Yoga
  • Aromatherapy: chamomile, bergamot, eucalyptus, geranium, juniper, lavender, melissa, neroli
  • Spa:

Heating or cooling compression depends on the cause of the symptoms.
Drink a large amount of filtered alkaline water throughout the day.
Get the water filter for the shower.
Shower with cold or warm water, do not burn, as this may aggravate eczema.

  • Fasting, juice therapy: blackcurrant, red grapes, carrots, beets, spinach, cucumber, parsley, green juice, wheat grass

Wake up to drink 0.5-1.0 liters of filtered room temperature water
9:00 am 200ml juice - pure blueberry or cranberry [no sugar]
11:00 am 200ml herbal tea: dandelion leaves, chamomile, steep together for 20 minutes.
1:00 pm 200ml carrot juice, freshly squeezed
3:00 pm 200ml carrot juice, freshly squeezed
5:00 pm 200ml vegetable soup, 200ml green juice [ie wheatgrass or ramie]
7 ml juice at 7:00 pm - pure blueberry or cranberry [no sugar]

  • Homeopathy:

Rhus tox.
Arsen alb.
Oil and psoriasis must be taken alone, not with other therapies

  • Ayuveda: herbal mixture with kutki 200 mg, manjista 300 mg, turmeric 200 mg, neem 200 mg. 2 teaspoons a teaspoon per day after lunch and dinner. Neem - External for skin. No salt, sugar or yogurt.
  • Biofeedback and guided images, relax
  • Reflexology: diaphragm, liver, kidney, intestine, adrenal gland, all glands, thyroid
  • Topical: evening primrose oil, cracks, sores, especially the folds of the elbows, behind the knees, help to heal.

Aloe Vera - Eczema for healing of fresh plants
Neem from

 - Topical application to eczema

Colloidal oatmeal, virgin coconut oil, shea butter emulsion, virgin olive oil
Zinc oxide from

 It can also relieve severe itching, but it can't cure eczema.

Mix aliquots of lemon juice + olive oil or almond oil, apply to the skin and ingest.

Turmeric cream relieves symptoms but causes the skin to turn yellow.

Eczema treatment oil

Dry eczema treatment oil mixture
-Melt 10g Shea Butter
- Add 30 ml of oyster sauce, 10 ml of borage oil, 10 ml of goose sausage oil, 10 ml of jojoba oil, 8 ml of rosehip oil, 20 ml / g of vitamin E undiluted, 2 ml of vitamin A palmitate
- Add 15 drops of any essential oils below: Lavender,...

Orignal From: Eczema - Causes, Types and Alternative Therapy

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