Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Criticizing the quantum world of Kenneth W Ford

How small is it? It is said that 5 billion electrons per second pass through a light bulb. from

Ten thousand atoms in a row stretch less than one tenth of an inch.

  So in the first chapter, from

Under the surface of matter

 On the first page, Kenneth W. Ford introduced the Lilliputian measures to the reader. Here, we discover the smallness of the atom, its power, and the control of life itself: the contributors of industrial power, and the uniqueness of speed, light, and time.

Ford introduced us to the lightweight lepton and hadron, along with the fermions and bosons; in doing so, he revealed the soul of the elemental features, the rapid changes in the configuration of the sub-particles, and the evolution of specific matter. Inheriting specific activities. We find that the pairing of particles and sub-particles becomes a mirror image of the particle self, the particle and the anti-particle: it miraculously blends into other classifications and then splits into different ways. We began to unravel the particles under strong control conditions.

Some basic knowledge is necessary to assist the importance of cyclotrons, linear accelerators and even the powerful Tevatron. These devices are capable of propelling particle signals into the collision process at almost visible light speeds, resulting in evidence and decay of the material particles. But to understand the reason for the experimental results is to read the basic teachings of material exchange elaborated in this book and other physics efforts aimed at simplifying the atomic world. Here, Kenneth W. Ford writes a famous article on quantum physics to help serious readers understand advanced science. It is undeniable that although quantum mechanics has achieved all the success, it is still mysterious to professional scientists.

The core of this book is the important idea of ​​quantum physics, including energy, particle size, wave-particle duality, uncertainty principle, the nature of fermions and bosons, plus superposition and entanglement, in which atoms can be in two Or multiple states. The action is all at once.

This book exemplifies the wonders and basics of atomic feasibility, nuclear power, and the strange laws that regulate the exchange of our quantum world. If readers like physics, experimentation and theory, they will enjoy a comprehensive insight into the speed, space and material world of speeding and tiny size. Readers who have a lasting focus on particle quality and behavior will enjoy this journey to the quantum interaction of minutes and the busy world.

Those who are interested in the almost unknown world of quantum mechanics, the physical world, may also be interested in the less translucent metaphysical world. When the physical world deals with physical reality, metaphysics deals with things that are irresponsible to science, including supernatural phenomena. In this regard, serious investigations raise questions and change the interpretation of timeline errors in Bible codes, secret principals and traditional conclusions. This kind of error is understandable because the author of the Bible deliberately concealed theological intent with conspiracy or fables. Recent research has penetrated into the legal history of cabbala and disclosed its true intentions to interested parties. Readers are welcome to compare these findings with traditional error messages.

Orignal From: Criticizing the quantum world of Kenneth W Ford

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