Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Create a positive attitude

A positive attitude is a disciplinary decision of thought to maintain consistent expectations of good outcomes. John telne

I have learned from experience that most of our happiness or pain depends on our disposition and not on our situation. Martha Washington

All you need is positivity. Hot girl

I am sure that some people have a natural and positive attitude. Those who are fortunate enough to have a sunny personality are not destroyed or disturbed by the negative emotions of others [parents, teachers, siblings or friends] when they grow up.

There must be such a person - but I am not one of them. I have been troubled by complaints and negative emotions in the past, but I have learned how to create a positive attitude in my life. For those who, like me, have no positive attitude as our unchanging state of existence, here are suggestions on how to develop and maintain a person.

Take responsibility

Know that you are the only one who can create and control your attitude. When coffee spills your new white shirt, when your spouse/important other person like ____ [fill in the blanks], when you don't get the job you want - these are all you can choose how to reply. Events outside can't create your attitude. You can shape your attitude based on your own perception of the event. Everything depends on you. The outside world will always challenge you on your path. You must decide how to deal with these challenges, and you can choose whether to take a negative or positive response. No one can choose for you.

2. Develop a good attitude

The best way to do this is to make yourself feel good! If you beat yourself in your heart, how can you show a positive attitude? You must form a positive and confident view of yourself in order to show this to the world. If you lack confidence or get yourself into trouble, try one of the following exercises:

* Grab yourself to do good things and praise yourself every day!

* At the end of the day, don't list all the things you haven't done, but think about everything you do and praise yourself.

*This comes from an article in the "Positive Thinking" magazine - if you find yourself in trouble, you can understand it by putting a loose rubber band on your wrist. Whenever you find your negative thoughts, you will use rubber bands. Buckle on your wrist and turn your thoughts into positive things. You will get tired of the sting of the rubber band and you should find yourself thinking more positively because it will become a habit.

* If you lack confidence in childhood abuse, please get help when releasing toxic negative residues. Knowing this is just because some adults tell you that you are a bad person or that you can't do anything, it doesn't mean it's true. Get help from the therapist, book or seminar to clear this ancient lie.

3. Work hard

In the face of all the daily challenges in life, maintaining a positive attitude can be daunting, but you can do it. In any case, believe in the best personal choice. Start to realize what you are thinking and what to say.

One day, I heard a friend complain that she could only accept her negative thinking in half of the time before she reacted and became angry or began to cry. My answer is that half of the time is very good. She still had a long way to go when she started, because she was completely unaware of how her negative thoughts controlled and created her life.

We are all in progress! Work hard - Gently correct yourself when you are on the wrong path and praise yourself when you are right! Teaching yourself to have a positive attitude requires gentle but consistent work, just like training a puppy.

4. Find others who have a positive, energetic attitude and build relationships with them

When you work with a positive attitude, you must choose your friends wisely. If someone in your life exudes positive energy, try spending more time with that person. If you don't have such a person, try to find someone and develop friendship.

It is the law of the universe - positive people will motivate you, while negative people will consume you, and you have not developed such a strong positive attitude, you can protect yourself from mentally resisting their negative emotions.

5. Find your purpose, dare to dream

If you don't expect anything, how can you create a positive attitude? Maybe some people can, but I can't. Before my article "Top Ten Ways to Create Infinite Life" [Nos. 8 and 9] [http://growfromwithin.com/articles/limitless_life_article/], I wrote about the purpose and enthusiasm of finding my own life. article. Here, I want to talk about your dreams.

Do you still have a dream or are you squashed because you are getting old? Dare to dream again! You can do more things in life than limited thinking will make you believe. In order to create and maintain a positive attitude towards yourself, you must cultivate a mentality that tomorrow is more fulfilling than today. Your dream is your vision of success. If it is strong enough, it is this vision that can support you when faced with the inevitable setbacks and challenges of life that everyone faces.

Dare to dream about the life you want, and commit yourself to taking a step towards this vision every day, and you will achieve your positive attitude to a large extent.

6. Protect your ears and eyes

The vast majority of the world's population does not live in a positive life. In fact, I believe that most of the world's population lives in a painful place, and those who live in pain only know how to spread more negativity and pain. For me, this explains many of the atrocities in our world and why we have been bombarded by negativity.

To create and maintain a positive attitude, you must protect yourself from this negative and painful. Be careful about what you read, watch and listen to. Most of the content produced by the media is full of negativity. When you work hard to create a positive attitude, don't watch the news or any TV show related to violent crime. If something very important happens in the world, then you will hear it anyway. If one of your goals is to help other people who are suffering, then please understand what you need to know, but don't let yourself touch unwanted negative information. For example, unless you have a loved one on the plane, if you are in the United States, do you really need to know a small plane that crashed in Russia? This negative news may make you feel sad, but you can't do anything about it.

As far as TV shows are concerned, I have to admit that I am addicted to watching CSI for a while - until I really think about how I pollute my own mental and emotional state by exposure to excessive violence, even if they are fictitious!

7. Read and listen to positive, inspiring materials

Why read or listen to something negative, when you can replace it with positive things, will it inspire or motivate you to create more happiness, peace or success in your life? There are many motivational materials these days. Go to the bookstore or check out all the motivational CDs offered by Nightingale-Conant. When you are immersed in positive, irritating materials, you can't help but absorb some of them.

8. Celebrate all the positive factors you can find in your life.

Ok, maybe this is the repetition of No. 2 above, but it is a concept worth repeating. Celebrate who you are, the positive contributions you make to the world, and the positive things that happen in your life. It doesn't matter how small they are!

What extension are you concerned about? If you focus on the negative, you will experience more negative effects. If you celebrate the positive side, you will notice more in life. Realizing that your views on the world are very limited, you think that negative things may be really positive - you can never know in advance. Spiritually celebrate everything you can do.

in conclusion

These are recommendations for a positive attitude, and these people must work hard every day. When I woke up, I imagined a positive day. When I encountered violent or bad news on TV or radio, I turned it off. I listened to the inspirational CD in the car while driving. Before I went to sleep, I remembered what I was grateful for in my life. I am not always active, radiant and happy, but I spend most of my time, and every day I am making progress. And I can guarantee that your life will be more fulfilling with a positive attitude.

Some people know who has said it very wisely: "Many people will tell you that this positive attitude is a pile of rubbish. Well, that may be, but I would rather believe in a bunch of positive rubbish than their rubbish. Negative Garbage dump."

me too. What about you?

Orignal From: Create a positive attitude

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