Thursday, May 16, 2019

Book Review: Breakthrough, Health, 250 lb Weight Loss Story

I recently completed two of these author's ebooks: from

Destroying, excessive behavior from abusive father

 , break point 1, and from

Understand the form of expression, create a vision and persevere

 ,Overstanding Book 1. Author Jason Criddle is the product of mixed race and broken home. His father, a black man, severely beat him when he was young. When Jason was nine years old, his father left him and his white mother to their own equipment.

I was deeply impressed by the author's writing style and his openness to childhood and his insights into the ultimate success. Therefore, I must also read this book. But I am particularly concerned that the main reason for this weight loss reading is my personal journey in obesity.

I am a slim young man, an active athlete in high school, and a muscular muscle - "excellence" in the Marine Corps. However, about fifteen years ago, I realized that I had increased from 3 to 5 pounds. Twenty-five years each year. When I was in the Legion, I weighed 185 pounds. Since then, my high water mark has been 308 pounds. I felt terrible. It was painful to sit on the road so big. When I walked, my joints were painful. So, I have been looking for a diet that will allow me to return to my best weight.

Slim Fast and other supplements didn't help. Atkins, liquid and some other diets did not help. I have read some books that have helped me to some extent... books about buckwheat, healthy mud, juice, ancient diet, and even hypnosis and self-affirmation have helped. But I need to find something that is all-encompassing, and it involves all aspects of life. I found it from


 . Our authors show us the changes in life, the changes in life and the new ways of thinking. It's not just about eating. In fact, it's not a weight loss book. It's about staying active, eating smart at the right intervals, and thinking positively.

I am proud to say that in the past three months, I have lost 21 pounds per year to 287 pounds, about one pound or two pounds. In fact, this is the best way to lose weight - slowly, but consistently. If you gain weight during the holidays and need to start a healthy lifestyle, this is certainly not the answer, but it is definitely an amazing read!

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