Thursday, May 9, 2019

Book Review - Awakening Isabella by Melissa Muldoon

Melissa Muldoon provides a fascinating story for love, conspiracy, mystery, tradition and art in her latest novel "Isabela Wake Up" in Arezzo, Italy.

Leonora [Nora] is a young research assistant who is at the crossroads of life and travels to Italy to film a documentary about the 16th century Italian Princess Isabella de Medici. Nora is fascinated by the history of the princess, hoping to uncover the mystery of her tragic death and the paintings that Isabella and her mother have been missing for decades. There are also rumors about Isabella's ghosts.

In Italy, Nora reunited with an old friend and met several new friends. Of particular interest is Gianluca [Luca] Donati, the owner of an old business that has lived in his family for generations. When Luca shared the details of his ancestors' involvement in the smuggling of famous foreign art during the Second World War, Nora's research took her on another path and explored the life of Luca's grandmother Margarita. . Muldoon magically weaves the lives of Nora, Isabella and Margherita, spanning many centuries and becoming a story that will confuse and confuse readers long after the last page.

As a loyal fan of Melissa Muldoon reading her first novel, Dreaming Sophia, I can't wait to sneak into Isabella, who is waking up. The author has such a unique voice that you can feel her personality in every sentence. Her writing is amazing because she incorporates her unique style through a variety of methods. She eloquently brought readers from the past to the present and then delivered them seamlessly again. She transformed from real-time drama to fantasy through an almost fantastic sequence. She provides historical references to a lasting tradition that motivates you to learn more and present contemporary voices through her protagonist while incorporating Italian into the conversation. I have read books where mixed language actually took me out of the story - but not in "Wake Up Isabella", these words blend harmoniously, further increasing the personality and voice of the author.

The characters are fun, versatile and real. At the beginning of the story, the reader was drawn into Isabella's character, the heartbreaking ending in her short life, and the essence of her free spirit and power. The role of the protagonist Nora is impressive along with the story, because she bravely invested in her fears, determined to reinvent herself and follow her dreams. Supporting characters is also authentic, which is an exciting spin.

It is obvious that "waking Isabella" requires extensive research, although it does feel like a labor of love. Muldoon's enthusiasm for Italy is obvious. I really like the last pages of this book. The information she provides distinguishes facts from the fictional parts of the story. I found these tidbits to be the perfect way to package and invite readers to learn more about the historical period, if that's the case. All in all, I would say that Melissa Muldoon's "Wake Up Isabella" is a must-read for all Italian fans, history, romance and conspiracy. Eccellente!

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