Tuesday, May 7, 2019

90-Day Personal Growth Camp: Day 33 - Sharp Edge

Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ken Sheldon and David Schkade presented a happy formula after extensive research on twins, an important study of what makes people happy.

They found that genetically, people have a natural temperament that puts them at a certain "set point" of happiness. They think that these account for 50% of a person's happiness level.

Next, they studied a person's living environment, including "income, family dynamics, health and where you live – all of which can change, but usually not very easy or very fast." They found that the situation was someone's 10% of the level of happiness is measured. This still leaves a huge cost of 40%.

Researchers have found that "conscious activities" account for the remaining 40% of a person's happiness. These activities can greatly enhance the natural set point.

Bruce Wilkinson pointed out that many people face the challenge of evidence that only about 5% of people have an understanding of their lives. The other 95% of people criticized their vision and put it into practice. Understanding the possibilities of things is the second step in leadership.

People often say that money does not bring happiness, but is this true? The reality is that research shows that having more than the amount of money needed to pay for a lower standard of living does not bring more happiness. Studies have shown that once basic needs are taken care of by a person who exceeds the required income, it does not really affect their happiness.

To avoid the fact that we sound too rash, the honest truth is that being broken can be very stressful. In fact, arguing about money in 95% of divorced couples is the number one cause of their conflict. However, in general, this is not income, but the experience that brings the greatest passion to life.

Yesterday we defined leadership as seeing the status quo, but not worse than it is now. The second step in leadership is to understand the possibilities of things and have a vision of what is possible.

It is important to honestly assess your position in happiness and goals, relationships and finances. You have a happy set point, but half of your level of achievement comes from your conscious thoughts and actions.

However, you can't go to the desired location without first knowing where you are. Rank your position in the main areas of life on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 of which are perfect. Where do you want to go now? Because someone criticizes it, even if you put it aside, you have to take back your vision. This leaves a step further for the leadership of the self and others.

Orignal From: 90-Day Personal Growth Camp: Day 33 - Sharp Edge

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