Thursday, April 25, 2019

Spiritual essence

Whenever we read the ghosts and goblins, the great stories of gods and their helpers, practices, legends and magic, we always insist that these spirits have emotions, they are suffering from human weaknesses, they have willpower. The origins of soul, soul, and spiritual thought come from the most human desires: immortality, fear of death. Because it happens to be natural, humans want to avoid pain, pain, pain and death. The idea that death or the end of life is not the end of true life and a painless future waiting for death is a relatively attractive idea. With the afterlife, there is no death, so it is easy to understand why people might like this theory, no matter what evidence is lacking. Since this idea of ​​the afterlife flourished in important events, there are other popular ideas about souls, souls, and other objects in this afterlife theory.

Our memories, experiences, thoughts, ideas, ideas, personalities, attitudes and feelings are stored in the mind. Science, or at least all honest research, tells us that our minds are in the brain of the body. So far, no other theory has presented any verifiable evidence to the contrary. There is indeed another theory with much less evidence. This is the idea that the mind is part of the soul - when the body dies, the mind leaves the body with the soul. Some people provide evidence on behalf of this old-fashioned idea. They believe that because it is part of the spiritual realm, tools, devices and techniques cannot be reached or seen, it is beyond their judgment. I admit that this is an interesting idea. People may claim that they invented, discovered or unfolded some wonderful and beautiful things, but this feeling is completely undetected by human senses. [That is, we may have a tourist trap in the Holy Grail, we can only find a plaque. "If you sin, you can't see or feel it, but you must believe it is there."]

A person may be so well educated and thoughtful that the theory of the soul is so untrustworthy that it does not require further testing; it becomes meaningless. However, there are some things that may need to be considered in this area, and at most it is only a hypothetical point of view. So every folktale and every ancient religion sees the spirit as a vibrant and powerful creature. In Greek mythology, the gods often come down from their clouds, mate with the earth, kill them, or deal with them. In the stories of these gods, they all seem to have exactly the same characteristics as any human being. They have desires, desires, fears, hopes and beliefs. They respond to the environment. When they were told that their plan failed, their response was disappointment, perhaps anger or violence. When they are told that their plan is successful, they will respond to happiness and may feel ashamed or gloating. The gods are essentially the most human of any theoretical existence, and it is not surprising when we think of their creators.

In my life, I can't think of any thoughts or theories about why any god is endowed with desire or desire. When I thought about the origin of this psychological phenomenon in humans or any other organism, my question was immediately answered. Human beings are endowed with a complex brain because it is necessary for survival. Any other creature can argue the same thing. Desire to inspire, it creates movement. When a predator, whether a crocodile or a lion or any other species, feels hungry, it will satisfy its desires. In this case, the brain component of creating desires and desires, especially to satisfy hunger, is vital to this component. Predators who are born without this ability cannot effectively kill or eat, nor can they fight for reproductive rights well because they cannot want them. Moreover, it will die without leaving any offspring, and no other organization on the planet leaves their DNA - containing DNA that lacks desire. We can also apply this to other organizations. For example, prey that does not escape the desire of its natural enemies at birth will not live long enough to breed. The same is true for prey that doesn't want to eat to satisfy their hunger. It will waste its weakness and be taken away by its predator.

Desire is absolutely powerful and important in the minds that all consciousness gives to the organization. However, it is not the only important part of consciousness. For example, there are pains, physical pain or pain, and mental pain. Animals can suffer, and this pain will make them fear forever. Their fears and pains gave them something they longed for: happiness and safety. Without pain, the organism will not react negatively to another person trying to kill it - at least, if the instinct disappears. Without happiness, animals will not know if it is right or wrong. Social instinct, in a group of similar organizations, is natural to almost every mammal. When wolves pack, they are more effective killers. When humans come together to form society and civilization, their labor will increase. When zebras eat and mate in the form of packages, all of their stripes form a natural defense, by prohibiting predators from knowing where the zebra begins and the end of another zebra. Society can make each organism have a strong advantage in survival. Moreover, when organizations survive, they can replicate and produce more organizations with the same emotions and intelligence as themselves.

Let us not forget the importance of mating instinct. Sexual arousal caused by flirting or foreplay plays an important role in mating behavior. The climax itself and the realization of sexual desire are important to every creature. It seems that in every thoughtful organization, there is no copying of the right to compete, some way or some way. Usually, this is the male competitiveness of women, but this is not the only situation. In some cases, there is polygamy, while in other cases, there is a polyandry system. There are exceptions to every rule of behavior that we can consider for other organizations. The fundamental fact that gender plays an important role in the mental capacity of a conscious organization is important to my thesis. The mind is full of complexes and talents that make them conscious. All these emotions, these emotions, play a strong role in the conscious organism.

Since I have had a lot of discussion about the complexity of conscious organizations, then I may be curious as to why this question was raised when discussing the spirit. First of all, all the thought components I mentioned above - desire, fear, social instinct, sex - all of these ingredients have reasons for existence. Through this, I mean that they all exist because there is a natural and permanent struggle in nature. Without desire, fear or sexual impulses, the organism will not reproduce, so no other organization with this mentality will be created except for a very unilateral reversal opportunity. My question is: Why are souls and souls given these psychological aspects?

In all the stories I read about the gods, I found all these impulses. I met the sexual impulses of the Greek and Roman gods. I have discovered the ability to desire and feel achievement or disappointment in the spirit of the culture of all things. There seems to be no God, except for the natural god, who is not interested in participating in the people who believe in him. Christians believe that their God will save them. Hindus believe that their God will be reincarnated. The Jews believed that their God destroyed society and culture for the slightest reason. In this fact, every religion is the same

Well, we have souls, souls and gods, many of which have a human mindset. However, I am very curious. Why did the ancient Greek playwrights not describe one of the gods and the hunger? Why can't I see the spirit of hunger? Some cultures feed their spirits, but this is even more ridiculous. In a few days or weeks, they only left enough food. Why are you leaving any food? Will the spirit break down and enter the state after the afterlife? In so many religions, the sexual impulses that seem to be so common from the virgin Christian gods mean marrying the Greek gods who regularly commit such fornication - which is why sexual impulses prevail. What is the use? Will the gods mate and produce spiritual descendants?

Even more strange is that God lacks the parts that make sexual activity useful, childbirth or entertainment. The penis and vagina, the two parts responsible for producing sex, do not exist in the ghost. If a person loses such a part, it is impossible to engage in sexual activity. And it seems that these ghosts have lost all their bodies. However, the urge to have sex is wrong, and sexual organs are not universal. Someone may argue with me, "But gods and ghosts have flesh that they can use!" If this is true, then it would not be difficult to get evidence of God. Whenever asked to provide evidence, religious people usually claim, "But they are non-Principal entities – they are not physically, they are spiritual." Spiritualists without any thoughts would claim that their God is actually a substance. Because of this, they have opened the door to elimination...

Orignal From: Spiritual essence

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