Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Sky Observer: Why did it complete the Sumerian

We know that no research area will develop in one day. It takes time and one discovery leads to another discovery. Finally, one is based on the other, but when we see the astronomy used by the Sumerians, we think they got their answer from heaven.


Although you may know that this astronomy is a study of stars, astrology is a study of fortune telling. Although they all use constellations, stars and planets are the basis for understanding, while the other has no scientific basis. We are talking about astronomy here.

Ancient mystery researcher Alan Alford wrote a book called "The God of the New Millennium." Alford believes that the Sumerians must acquire their knowledge from the races of the gods. According to him, the Sumerians had a complete model of the universe at the beginning of the civilization 6,000 years ago. They compiled hundreds of accurate predictions about the eclipse and the moon phase. This also includes predicting the equinox.

Earth's axis swing

Another striking part of the Sumerian understanding of astronomy is that they know the oscillations on the Earth's axis. This swing is so slow that it takes 26,000 years to complete on Earth. This is why we are now entering the era of Aquarius. Although the mystics may do a lot of things, this is an astronomical figure that can be explained.

Any other explanation?

As with most of the ideas that connect us to alien races or godly bee visits, astronomers reject this explanation and look for more credible answers. Astronomers believe that these ideas are bubbling for a long time and require rest to complete this body of knowledge. We also saw this in the field of mobile phone and computer development. A missing part may have been developed now. At the exact moment of discovery, the discovery is out of date. The Chinese are very good at linking new developments to what they have developed.

Far from being backward, the technology that our ancestors possess is more developed and created in many ways than we are today. The ancient traditions of each winter solstice and the equinox are still repeated in the holy places around the world, as if the ceremony itself would stop the winter solstice and bring it back to the sun. Although the ceremony was very old at the beginning, the astronomers at the time were keen observers who could predict the annual phenomenon. Whether they know the reason behind the occurrence is not clear, but my guess is that they do, but as in the Galileo era, this is a religiously driven act to perform certain rituals instead of fighting them, they are just Keep the truth in silence.

Orignal From: Sky Observer: Why did it complete the Sumerian

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