Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Neptune's atrophy, stench and the mystery of the disappearing storm

Banded and blue, the beautiful Neptune surrounds the outer region of our solar system, which inhabits a quarter of the known giant giant planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and themselves. Here, in the brightly lit suburbs of our sun's area of ​​influence, Neptune is the most famous planet, occupying a sapphire glory in its cold, dark space. Neptune is named after the ancient Roman sea god. It displays blue, dark, ominous and huge hurricane-like storms of various shades in its lovely band. It is unscrupulously mysteriously rotating in its heavy gas environment, and the performance disappears. - Play against curious observers. In February 2018, astronomers announced that they had seen a storm of dark threats on Neptune, which was large enough to extend from Connecticut to the Atlantic to Portugal, and now disappears mysteriously, as shown in the photos taken by Neptune. Provided by NASA from

Hubble Space Telescope [HST].

  In addition, this strange atrophy, vortex storm may consist of hydrogen sulfide.

Neptune is 3 billion miles from Earth, and its immune storm was first discovered by NASA in the late 1980s. from

Traveler 2

 spaceship. Since then, only from


 You have successfully possessed the necessary Blu-ray sharpness to track these strange and elusive features - they will appear and disappear without a trace. from


 A dark storm was discovered in the mid-1990s and then disappeared mysteriously. The latest intense vortex storm first appeared in 2015 but is now shrinking.

This dark Neptune storm rotates in the direction of the anticyclone, just like the famous Jupiter from

Red dot [GRS]

 . And, like Jupiter's huge crimson storm, Neptune's dark storm is digging up material from the depths. from

Ice giant

 The atmosphere of the planet. The shrinking feature provides astronomers with a rare and valuable opportunity to study the inner deep winds of Neptune, which cannot be directly measured.

Both Neptune and Uranus are listed as from

Ice giant

 And Jupiter and Saturn are classified as from

Natural gas giant.

  The ice giant's duo has a heavy gas envelope that is suddenly much thinner than their strong gaseous envelope. from

Natural gas giant

 brothers and sisters. Uranus and Neptune also have larger solid cores than Jupiter and Saturn, and are smaller in size - although the entire quarter of the known outer solar system planets are giant planets.

In addition, Neptune is shrinking, and the black spots of the storm may be composed of hydrogen sulfide - an odorous substance that smells like a rotten egg. "The particles themselves are still highly reflective; they are slightly darker than the particles in the surrounding atmosphere," commented Dr. Joshua Tollefson on February 15, 2018. from

Hubblesite press release.

  Dr. Tollefson is from the University of California at Berkeley.

Unlike Jupiter's deep red from


 It has been observed for at least two centuries that Neptune's dark vortex has only lasted for a few years. This storm was the first storm that was actually completed in the death act. Others just disappeared.

"We have no evidence of how these vortices are formed, nor the speed at which they rotate." They are most likely due to the instability of the shearing easterly and westerly winds," Dr. Agustin Sanchez-Lavega also pointed out. from

Hubblesite press release.

  Dr. Sanchez-Lavega is from the University of Basque Country in Spain.

In the distant realm of Neptune

On December 28, 1612, the great Italian scholar Galileo Galilei [1564-1642] discovered Neptune with his original "telescope." He observed it again on January 27, 1613. Oh, twice, Galileo thinks that this distant giant planet is a fixed star, appearing near Jupiter in a clear starry night sky. For this reason, Galileo is usually not considered to be the discovery of Neptune.

NASA' S from

Traveler 2

 The spacecraft flew over Uranus in 1986 and later flew over Neptune in 1989. from

Traveler 2

 Sending back the earth's seductive image of Neptune, it shows an amazingly beautiful blue-blue planet, a moving band and stripes - and a spotted storm similar to the Earth's hurricane. Neptune's strips and bands are a lovely blue hue produced by atmospheric methane rather than oxygen. Some of Neptune's storms are white and look like spinning marshmallows.

NASA' S from

Traveler 2

 The spaceship is the first spacecraft to probe Neptune from

Great dark spot

 As early as 1989 from

Great dark spot

 It is an anti-cyclonic system that extends 12,000 x 6,600 kilometers. Astronomers immediately noticed the similarities between this Neptune storm and Jupiter storm. from


 . However, on November 2, 1994, from


 Did not see disappeared from

Great dark spot

 Rotate on this big blue planet. Instead, it found a new storm that is strikingly similar to this class. from

Great dark spot

 In the northern hemisphere of Neptune.

Another strange storm on Neptune is called from


 It is made up of a group of white clouds. from


 Originally seen farther than the south from

Great dark spot

 . In the months before 1989, people claimed the nickname of this interesting cotton candy cloud. from

Traveler 2

 When encountering Neptune, astronomers observed from


 The cloud skips faster than speed from

Great dark spot

 . In fact, the image obtained later shows that the cloud is present faster than the originally detected cloud. from

Traveler 2


The from

Little black dot

 Another southern cyclone cyclone from

Traveler 2

 During the fruitful period of 1989. The from

Little black dot

 It turns out that this is the second biggest storm during the storm. from


 Encountered, it was initially completely dark. But as from

Traveler 2

 Fly close to the Earth to form a bright core that can be seen in most of the highest resolution images.

Neptune's black spots are thought to occur in the lower troposphere rather than the brighter clouds. That's why they seem to be holes in the upper clouds. Because dark spots are stable features that can exist for months, they are often interpreted as vortex structures. Brighter, longer-lasting methane clouds are often associated with black spots. These bright methane clouds may form the top of the troposphere in the heavy gaseous atmosphere of Neptune. The persistence of the companion nebula suggests that some of the old black spots may continue to exist as cyclones, even though they are no longer visible as dark features. Black spots may fall apart because they are too close to the equator of Neptune or may be separated by some other unknown mechanism.

Neptune itself is invisible to the naked eye and is the only planet in our solar system that is predicted by mathematics rather than by direct observation. Green and blue planet Uranus - unexpected changes in Neptune's orbit are greater from

Ice giant

 Neighbors - led by French astronomer Alexis Bouvard [1767-1843] to calculate the orbital effects of the gravitational disturbance of unknown planets. On September 23, 1846, Neptune was uniquely discovered by the German astronomer John Galle [1812-1911] with a telescope, predicted by the French mathematician and astronomer Urbain Le Verrier [1811-1877]. Soon after, Triton, the largest satellite of Neptune, was discovered. However, until the 20th century, the remaining 13 satellites remaining on the planet were not discovered by telescopes.

The distance between Neptune and the Earth makes us small in appearance in the sky, so it is difficult to study with the Earth Telescope. Space telescope from


 And the use of large ground telescopes from

Adaptive optics

 Recently, a large number of detailed observations from far away have been provided. from

Adaptive optics

 It is a technique that corrects distortion caused by wind, temperature, and mechanical stress by deforming the mirror to compensate for distortion.

Just like our solar system from

Natural gas giant

 The duo, Jupiter and Saturn, the atmosphere of Neptune is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium, and some traces of hydrocarbons and possibly nitrogen are mixed in this exotic brewing. However, unlike Jupiter and Saturn, from

Ice giant

 Neptune contains a large proportion of "ice" such as water, methane and ammonia. However, the interior of Neptune - like its brother planet Uranus - consists mainly of ice and rock, which represent the classification of distant icy duo. from

Ice giant,

 To distinguish them from Jupiter and Saturn.

Traces of methane on the outer layer of Neptune are part of the reason for its beautiful blue hue. In sharp contrast to the cockroach. Relatively uncharacteristic, a bit dull Uranus Scorpio, Neptune's atmosphere has a significantly active weather pattern - accounting for its numerous vortex storms. These active weather systems are driven by the most powerful continuous wind of any planet in the solar system. In fact, Neptune's wind speed roared at a speed of 1,300 miles per hour. Because Neptune is far from our stars - it is the eighth planet of our Sun, and Uranus is the seventh - its outer atmosphere is one of the coldest places in our solar system. The temperature at the top of Neptune's cloud is close to the true cold - 218 degrees Celsius. The temperature at the hidden center of Neptune is considered to be approximately 5,100 degrees Celsius.

Compared to Uranus, the more varied weather of Neptune is believed to be partly due to higher internal heating. Even if Neptune is more than 50% of Uranus from our stars, it can only get 40% of the sun, cold. from

Ice giant

 The moving surface temperatures are approximately equal. The top region of the Neptune troposphere plummeted to a low temperature of -221.3 degrees Celsius. At the same depth of atmospheric pressure in Neptune...

Orignal From: Neptune's atrophy, stench and the mystery of the disappearing storm

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