Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Jagannath culture

Jagannath Culture - The Principles of SarvaDharma samanwaya

Orissa is the land of Jagannath culture. It represents the religious worship of Orissa. It has unique and valuable religious tourism resources. The country has something for everyone. Monument - Temple of the Sun at Konak, Temple of Jagannath in Puri, Temple of Lingraj in Bhubaneswar is the sacred place of Orissa, attracting thousands of pilgrimages from around the world in recent years . The beautiful yatra, the car festival of Lord Jagannath inspired many devotees from all over the world. There are many attractions in Orissa that are worthy of international tourism. Temple architects and sculptures in Orissa are world famous. In addition to Indian culture, Orissa has no independent culture with any other part of the country. Lord Jagannath is the main god of Orissa culture. From time to time it becomes a symbol of the unity of religion and culture between Jainism, Buddhism, shaivism, vaishnavism and Shaktism. But Jagannath is the Lord of the universe, omnipotent and omnipresent. The sacred place, Puri in Orissa is purusottam kshetra. Among the Hindu beliefs, it is one of the four centers of redemption in ancient times. The Indian people have four places, namely Badrinason in the north, Ramsvalan in the south, Dwaraka in the west and Puri in the East China Sea. . Pilgrimage destination. Puri is considered to be one of the most sacred places in India in ancient times. It is also known as ' Shreekshetra1, Niladri, Sankha kshetra and Martya-baikuntha.

According to Vedas and Puranas, Purusottam appeared in Puri. So it is called the place of Purusottamkshetra, Jagannath or Purusottam, that is, the Supreme Being or the Lord of the Universe is a great place. According to ancient traditions, Sanskrit Brahma Purana and Scandha Purana, and Oriya Mahabharata of Adikavi Sarala Das and Darubrahma Gita of Jagannath Das, a Savara leader named Biswabasu worships the image of Nilamadhava in a secret place on the east coast called Nilakandara.

King Malawi, Indradyumna "goed forward to Utkal and occupied the sacred image. But Nilamadhava disappeared from his original place and floated in the sea in the shape of a huge wood.

Indradyumn hired a carpenter to carve an image of the sacred wood in the temple. The old carpenter agreed to make the image, provided that the temple's goalkeeper remained closed for 21 days. For fifteen days, I did not hear the sound of wood carvings. Internally, the Queen suspects that the image maker may be dead. When it was done, she asked the king to open the door. In the temple you can see the incomplete idols of Jagannath, Balab-bhadra, Subhadra and Sudarshan. Legend has it that Jagannath was originally the god of savaras. . Primitive races like Savaras, Nishads and Kiratas used to worship trees as their gods. In later times, the Dravidians and the Aryans also included tree worship in their religion, and then the tree worship turned into worship of wooden images.

Please note that although the image of the Hindu god is made of stone or metal, the image of Supreme Being Purusotam Jagannath is made of wood. Since the original name of Savara God is Nilamadhava, the name of his new place was later called Nilachala. It is said that the wooden idols of Jagannath, Balabhadra, subhadra and Sudarshan represent the original art of savaras. Jagannath is the root of Savaras, which is deeply rooted in Oriya's mind. Sarala Das described Jagannath as "Savari Narayana" in the 15th century Mahabharata. According to Jainism-Jagannath, the name of JainaTirthakaras. It has also been said that Jain's Tri-Ratna is indeed the right belief, the right knowledge and the correct action are symbolically represented in the Trinity of Jagannath, Balabhadra, and Subhadra. Janis believes in idolatry.

They believed that the images of Tirthankars were placed on the chariot and then taken out in the parade like Jagannath's car festival. According to some scholars, the images of Jagannath, Subhadra and Balabhadra symbolize the Buddhist beliefs in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. It is said that in the age of Asoka, forest residents of Orissa, such as Savaras, also adopted Buddhism. In the first century of the Christian era, when idolatry became common among Buddhists, Savara began to think that Jagannath's image was a Buddha image. Over time, Hindus also regarded the Buddha as an incarnation or incarnation of Vishnu, and regarded the Buddha as the highest existence of Jagannath, the era of Kali [Kaliyuga]. Buddhism represents a ruthless society. It is reflected in the brotherhood of all people. Purusottam kshtra is the only sacred place in India, where Pramand or bhoga of Jagannath is shared by Brahmans and Sudra. This unique phenomenon is described as the influence of Buddhism under the universal religion represented by Jagannath.

The medieval Bhakti movement reached its peak when the Scottish dynasty came to power in China. The dedication to Krishna is the central theme of Bhakti. Therefore, Jagannath is considered Krishna. In order to push this to Hinduism, it is a narrative that, when Srikrishna is caught by the arrow of Jarasavara, cremates all his remedies through Pandavas. However, there is a part that burns and floats in the form of wood in the real world. It is known in the dream that King Indra Dyunma ordered the image of Jannath, Balabhadra, Subhadra and Sudarsan from this sacred wood. For Vaishnavites, then srikrishna appeared Jagannath in this kali era.

In order to prove the existence of Balabhadra and subhadra and Jagannath is reasonable, it is said that Jagannath from


 Vasudev-Krikrishna, so Krishna's brother Balarama and sister Subhadra have already gotten a position with Jagannath. Since then, the three idols have been considered Buddhas. Buddhist Buddhism and Sangha and Suda Mountain are described as symbols of the Buddha's Dharma Wheel, and Vishna Nava and Krishna's Suda Mountain Wheel recognize the Suda Mountain.

The significance of Jagannath culture is that it absorbs all religions and all religious beliefs. In its embarrassing fold, the essence of the evolution of Indian religion and culture was discovered. The unique feature of Hinduism from ancient Limes is that everyone thinks about God's freedom in their own way. Every group, community or caste also has the freedom to develop their own religious traditions. Whether it is rigid or intolerant - Hindu lifestyle.

"In this atmosphere of perfect freedom and liberalism, India has developed many religious practices and institutions, patterns worship and pray for higher human ideals; and in this context the blind superstition of Jagannath's culture has developed itself. The way can accommodate a variety of beliefs. The unity of diversity and the unity of diversity is the main feature of Jagannath calling for the supreme white order; Jagannath is the master of the universe. In the bubble of external differences in human existence, Jagannath is all The only god of man.

Jagannath has various representations in Vedic Brahmarfiim, Jainism, Buddhism, Puranic Hinduism, Saivism, Saktism, Taoism and Vaishnavism.

The stage of time. Although in the shape of the wooden idol, Jagannath is an absolute existence, transcending the form and transcending understanding. He is the Savior of all, regardless of caste, skin color or human freedom.

The universality of Jagannath brings it: today's Western thinkers. They found the highest spiritual ideals and deepest downgrades in Jagannath Cull and combined them with external rituals to meet common ideas. Therefore, Jagannath worship is a gift from Orissa to meet its desire for spiritual peace, social harmony and universal deity.

References: http://www.orissatourism.com
: RCMajumdar's Indian History
: Indian History of MNDas
: Manorama Yearbook.
: David Abram and others' rough guide to India.
: The history of Orissa in J.pattanaik
: The history of the three authors Orissa

Ramesh Chandra Padi
Tourism Management Lecturer
Email: ramesh.padhy@rediffmail.com

Orignal From: Jagannath culture

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