Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Eye infection of love birds - cause and treatment

The love bird is one of the most pet-raised birds in the world. They are very beautiful and are very active birds. Anyone visiting a pet store will be amazed at their beauty and charm. Love birds create very few problems for their owners or breeders throughout their lives. They are excellent breeders and can breed in all conditions in a short period of time.

A big problem for bird breeders facing love birds is the problem of eye infections. When you buy a new love bird and bring it home, sometimes you will find their eyes infected in a few days. This problem can be life-threatening for your lovebirds and a lot of headaches for bird breeders. But there are ways to overcome this problem without any difficulty.

Eye infections in countries such as Pakistan are more common in the months of April, May, June and July. In these months, temperatures often reach above 40 degrees Celsius. Young birds are more affected by this disease, especially when you buy some new birds on these hot summer days and take them home. Your bird will die if not treated properly.

Different people give different reasons for the cause of this problem. Some people would say that Karachi was bought by a bird from Punjab to carry a virus. Others will say that birds have developed this eye infection due to climate differences between Karachi and Lahore. Some people think that mosquito bites are the cause of this disease. The more people you meet, the more opinions you get.

I have done a lot of research on this particular disease. Now I realize that, among all other reasons, stress is the main cause of love birds' eye infections. Love birds are more shy birds, and when you change their position or cage, they are stressed and sick. Due to stress, their immune system weakens and their eyes are infected due to hot weather conditions and environmental changes.

If you buy some new birds home or move some lovebird chicks into a separate cage, give them a stress-free environment to relax. Place the bird cage in a place that has less interference with birds. Don't always get close to the cage. Keep the cage away from other pets in your home, such as cats and dogs. Cover the cage at night so they can sleep well and have enough rest time.

If this infection occurs in some of your birds, treat them as soon as possible. Early eye infections are easy to cure. Use the net to catch your bird and put some eye drops in your eyes. I would recommend dexamethasone phosphate and chloramphenicol. Put one drop per eye, at least twice a day, once in the morning, once in the evening.

Some lovebirds recover quickly from this treatment, while others require more time. Continue treatment until your love bird recovers completely from eye infection. Also place a nest box in the cage to reduce its overall stress level. Less stressful birds recover quickly from this disease. Don't change the position of the cage too much, give them more privacy and security, and let them live a healthy and happy life.

Orignal From: Eye infection of love birds - cause and treatment

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