Thursday, April 25, 2019

Emergency contraceptives are effective

When you have frequent sexual intercourse, the risk of unwanted pregnancies still exists. You never know when a condom may break, or worse, you may forget to take regular birth control pills for 2-3 days a day. But the good news is that you can avoid unwanted pregnancies with emergency contraception. Can only be used in emergencies, these pills can be taken after unprotected sexual intervention or contraceptive failure to prevent pregnancy. ellaOne is the only morning that can take birth control pills within 5 days of taking birth control pills. Levonelle is another popular emergency contraception option for British women. You can take this medicine within 3 days of sexual intercourse and have confidence in your ability to prevent fertilized eggs.

Which medicine to take?

With ellaOne, Levonelle and many other pills, if something doesn't go according to plan, then deciding which tablet you can take can be a bit tricky. As always, the best option is to see a doctor and discuss everything from the safety of emergency contraception to the possible impact on your health. Progestogen-only drugs such as ellaOne and Levonelle are generally safe and effective.

How does ellaOne work?

ellaOne contains ulipristal acetate as an active ingredient. It is a synthetic version of the estrogen progesterone that prevents or delays ovulation. The drug was approved by the FDA Advisory Committee in June 2010. Ulipristal acetate provides dual protection against pregnancy. First, it prevents any eggs from being fertilized by sperm. Second, if fertilization occurs by chance, it prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus.

What is the security and effectiveness of ellaOne?

Clinical trials have shown that 98 out of 100 women taking ellaOne immediately after sexual activity can prevent pregnancy. The average success rate of ellaOne is 60%, which is very impressive considering that you have 5 days to take birth control pills.

In terms of side effects, ulipristal acetate can cause mild nausea, headache, abdominal pain and menstrual pain.

How does Levonelle work?

Levonelle's active ingredient, levonorgestrel, is also a synthetic sex hormone that can prevent pregnancy if taken immediately after sexual intercourse. Unlike ellaOne, Levonelle should be taken from unprotected sex within 3 days. It works the same way as ellaOne.

Is Levonelle helpful?

Levonelle's success rate is 95% within 24 hours of sex. Studies have shown that this pill is effective on days 2 and 3. This is one of the few emergency contraception methods available to a small number of underage women [age 16 or older], but is limited to medical supervision.

Since both drugs are hormonal contraceptives, there is hardly anything to choose from. The only obvious difference is the time you need to take the tablets. The plus factor for both pills is that they are only available on prescription. Therefore, the risk of being fooled into buying unreliable contraceptives is minimal. But don't treat any of them as a substitute for regular contraceptives.

Orignal From: Emergency contraceptives are effective

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