Sunday, April 28, 2019

Don't fall for these 12 spiritual myths

Over the years, we have encountered many myths about mind reading. There is no doubt that there are so many wrong messages and novels related to metaphysical readings; sometimes practitioners should be blamed.

Based on our 30 years of subject experience, the following are twelve spiritual myths.

Psychologists know everything.

This is where some psychologists are in trouble. They allow their fans and customers to think they know everything and then lose respect when they don't know. A very famous psychic made this happen to her. A few years ago, she died because of her bad reputation.

Spirit does not mean that you know everything. It's like watching TV. Just because you are being adjusted to a channel doesn't mean you know what happens to every channel every moment.

No mind is 100% accurate in 100% of the time.

Sometimes readers don't notice something because you don't expect to know it.

In addition, questions about "What is he thinking?" Egypt "Does she like me?", you can't invade anyone's privacy and open up their minds.

Psychologists can erase karma.

No one can erase the karma of another person. You must balance it by experiencing anything related to it.

Psychologists can bring back lovers or stop divorce.

No, they can't, if someone tells you, they can lie or delusion. If it is over, it is over. Using love spells is mental manipulation and dark magic, and will create negative karma for you and your heart.

If your partner is cheated, the psychologist can tell you.

Some people may, but if you have to ask strangers about such a problem, your relationship may not be worth saving.

Psychologists can predict the number of lottery jackpots.

Maybe if you are destined to win, but you may not, so they will not be able to perceive these numbers for you.

Only psychic is a psychic.

Everyone has a certain degree of mental ability. You can increase your degree by regular meditation. Meditation will help you relax, focus and get a better understanding of the answers to your questions.

You can change your destiny.

Some psychics claim that "nothing is immutable." We find that most of the major events in everyone's lives are doomed. Then you have the free will to respond to them.

Psychology begins to exploit the energy of the devil and should be avoided, as well as all other non-religious spiritual practices.

Spiritual work, tarot cards, astrology, numerology, turbulence and other metaphysical practices are not devils or negatives in and of themselves. However, if you don't know how to protect yourself, it is possible to use dark energy with or without metaphysics.

Therefore, we recommend that you imagine yourself surrounded by white light, seeking protection and guidance from the light and your God's guidance, avoiding drugs and negative people, and avoiding dark magic or similar dark energy rituals.

Only experienced media can communicate with the deceased.

It is always difficult to lose loved ones. It is natural to want to contact them and continue to communicate.

We believe that our loved ones will check in with them from time to time, will be at your service whenever you need them, and often try to help.

However, the trouble is that most of us are not used to opening or recognizing communication from the other party when we are very young. Most people miss these signs

According to our experience, people with mental sensitivities can perceive communication from the other side. For others, daily meditation can help you better accept this insight, and your loved ones can hear your voice and hope to help.

Reincarnation is not related to karma or important.

A good psychic understands that you can't live without one another, how much influence they have on your current life [many], and accepting these theories is empowered through personal responsibility.

Your soul mate is mainly for romance.

Everyone has many soul mate, most of them for spiritual growth. Anyone who says otherwise needs to stop reading so many romantic novels.

Astrology and numerology are just about possibilities.

Once you go beyond the surface of modern astrology [such as horoscopes, focus on transit, solar regression, etc.], using ancient methodologies into a comprehensive chart, you escape the "only possibility" of nonsense and begin to recognize "here "Destined life events and situations.

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