Thursday, April 25, 2019

Birth control pills and cheese

Your doctor tells you that oral contraceptives can increase your hunger from

 [So ​​you eat more, gain weight!] And they can consume some of the essential nutrients in your body? It seems that refined foods and sugary snacks are not good at it! Have you taken oral contraceptives for more than 7 years?

If so, you are likely to lack some nutrients and should be added. Studies have shown that B vitamins are the most commonly consumed nutrients when taking oral contraceptives. Vitamin B is essential for maintaining neurological health [because they are usually sold in the form of executives and stress vitamins]

Efficient B-type multivitamins [containing at least 50-100 mg B6, 1000 mcg B12 and 800 mcg folic acid] should be administered opposite the contraceptive. The increase in demand for vitamin C [1-3 g, yes, not mg], E [400-600 IU&s] and K may also be due to the use of the pill - vitamins. C can especially help reduce the chance of vaginal infections. If folic acid is depleted, cells that are frequently replaced, such as cells in the mouth and intestines, may become ulcers. Folic acid is a relative of vitamin B and is important for brain health and cell repair and development.

You may have never heard of tyrosine, but you may have heard of amino acids. from

  Tyrosine is an amino acid with many jobs. In your body, one is to keep your thyroid healthy. Low tyrosine can also cause depression. The consumption of tyrosine is one of the main reasons for pills. Usually associated with weight gain and mood. what! Is a penny falling? Ok, the next time you collect Alesse's script, you will suddenly enter the supermarket and grab a bucket of cheese, which is the highest food source for tyrosine: 1.5 grams for 1 cup. Or you can take supplements [1.5 grams per day], especially in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

Anyway, we may all be very deficient in magnesium. from

 Therefore, women taking oral contraceptives are even poorer. Deficiencies usually manifest as muscle cramps, weakness, insomnia, kidney stones, bone loss, depression, tension, anxiety and high blood pressure. Take 500 mg of liquid or powder before going to bed, easy to absorb.

Increases copper in the blood by using oral contraceptives from

 This can lead to depression and emotional problems. Limit the supplement to 1 mg. Whole grains, nuts, seeds and vegetables will ensure that the requirements of copper are met. If you usually take iron supplements, you may not need them if you take oral contraceptives. When you take birth control pills, iron levels may increase because blood loss is usually less. Iron demand may decrease from the usual 18 mg. About 12-15 mg per day. However, if your menstruation is heavy or you have anemia, you may need different doses of iron. Please consult a doctor first.

Zinc is another essential mineral that is consumed by oral contraceptives from

 It is important for wound healing and anti-depression; supplementing 20 to 50 mg daily will also help reduce copper levels. "It seems like I don't have enough side effects to worry about!" - Ok, at least a quick blood test will tell you exactly

You stand on your body's nutrients, you never know - cheese barrels may just be something to eliminate these monthly emotions!

Source: Nutrition and Vitamin Therapy, Michael Lesser, MD; Elson M. Haas MD Maintains Nutritional Health; Better Nutrition

Orignal From: Birth control pills and cheese

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