Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Whispering Echo - Book Review

The "Echoes of Whispers" released in the spring of 2005 - written by Rhona F. Pienaar, is a 68-page collection of about 51 poems.

Rona is obviously a caring woman, she is writing her role in the family, such as mother, wife and daughter. She shared her life goals and hopes to encourage her children to realize their potential by delving into their own self and using their courage to release their talents.

There is a lot of content in the whole book that will definitely attract me as a poet and reader. The following two references will give you an idea of ​​what I mean.

"trapped in a corner

Do not move, do not breathe

Slowly exhausted in the cage,

I created my own prison. "

"Like a snake has fallen off its skin,

Can we learn and break our own conditions? "

I really like the growth of poetry on page 25 of this book. This article questions our skills and the time given to us. This inspiring poem reminds readers:

"Dare to dream that you are so"

"Do you increase the sorrow of the world?

Convince others that you can't do anything."

"Don't you know that we have been waiting for you?

If you don't use your gift, how will I find my gift? "

Her poetry attempts to show us how we relate to each other and how each of us has the precious key to improving the world for the people around us. In her poem entitled "Creation," she clarified her vulnerability and reinvented her past, when she said:

"What I am doing is weeding,

Nowhere in the past

Growing up and being haunted, thrown on my face"

Because so many of us are influenced by the people around us, one of the most difficult poems to reach the truth is the last one, my love, the poet said:

"When other people's opinions become your faith

And you put yourself in the truth of other nations

Inhaling the toxic substances they exhale will become weaker..."

Author: Rhona F. Pienaar

Publisher: Published US

ISBN: 1-4137-6623-4

Orignal From: Whispering Echo - Book Review

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