Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Pioneer 10 brings a convincing mystery to physicists through the weird path of space.

On March 2, 1972, the NASA Atlas-Centre rocket made a mild Thursday on the wet Cape Canaveral Peninsula in Florida, taking off a 570 named Pioneer 10. Pound payload. Pioneer is a space probe designed to travel through asteroid belts and perform "flying over" Jupiter and external gas giants to study them. In the next decade, Pioneer sent back amazing reports from the far end of the solar system and carried out its mission in a very successful way.

Then, the Pioneer is no longer as silent as expected, but continues to send signals to the Earth. Its micro-nuclear generators continue to provide 70 watts of power needed to maintain a radio connection with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, which may last for decades, as anyone thinks. Thirty years after the start of the mission, the newsletter remained until January 23, 2003. By that time, the detector was twice as far from the Sun as Neptune and Pluto, and Pioneer had become the first object in the human hand that would leave the sun's gravitation forever.

If it ends there, the Pioneer story will become an important chapter in the history of science, but it does not. Experimental physics is full of examples of scientific projects that aim to study a phenomenon but completely expose unexpected facts about other things, and one of the really interesting parts of the Pioneer 10 story is one of them. Although it has used robotic and perseverance to explore robots for Jupiter and Saturn, far beyond the scope of responsibility [if the language can be applied to robots], when it passes the outer limits of the planetary system, it is NASA. It is clearly stated that the computer tracking program should be hundreds of thousands of miles. How can it be?

The way objects move in space, whether they are Jupiter-sized planets or small aircraft like Pioneers, are governed by well-known laws of physics that give accurate positional answers in centimeters, even in solar energy. The same is true within the scope. system. For Pioneer, hundreds of thousands of miles of routes are absolutely impossible. No matter how it is handled, the problem will not disappear, and soon some very strange things will happen. NASA scientists see this pioneering quirk as a name; they call it "The Anomaly."

"Pioneer Detective: Does the distant spacecraft prove that Einstein and Newton are wrong?" "Konstantin Kakaes" recently released "Kindle Single", a talented journalist and writer. He studied physics at Harvard University and studied the temptations that physicists did not form in order to explain the bias of the avant-garde curriculum. The deer they dug, the less they seem to understand. Immersed in the daily tracking of this 30-year-old space probe, revolutionary problems began to emerge, and sometimes revolutionary problems began: whether the wrong process of the spacecraft proved some new in the basic laws of physics And unknown wrinkles?

For the basic nature of the universe, a spacecraft that deviates slightly from the route seems to be a special subject, but an obvious solution to the pilot's flight deviation is not coming soon. However, this is a "black letter" physics problem, and this level of error does not occur.

What could be the cause of the "abnormal"? The NASA detectives seem unable to reach an agreement, although the list of possible gangsters is long and scary: dark matter? Tensor vector scalar gravity? Colliding with the gravitational force? A basic mistake in the Einstein equation?

The only clear question for Pioneer and The Anomaly is that potential breakthrough discoveries are brewing for those who are brave and smart enough to solve problems successfully. This is what young scientists call "new physics" - an unmapped land and sometimes a new Nobel Prize.

"Science writer" and former Mexican city council director Konstantin Kakaes wrote in clear, sharp prose, without technical language, he brought us a curse of scientific detective stories, tracking those The psychological process and work of those who are committed to solving this problem. - The mystery of adventure science. Kakaes used extensive interviews and archival research to follow the "abnormal" story, and after decades of unremitting investigations, he concluded. "Pioneer Detective" is a fascinating and clear statement. It is not only avant-garde anomalies, but also how scientific knowledge is made and manufactured. Scientists sometimes put their reputation and life on the line of pursuing the truth of the universe.

This is a very good reading, let me late at night. highly recommended.

Orignal From: Pioneer 10 brings a convincing mystery to physicists through the weird path of space.

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