Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Jeremy Rifkin's criticism: "Hydrogen Economy"

Our early criticism of Rifkin showed an amazing lack of particle physics logic; he specifically described the fate of the sun's energy and heat:"from

Some of this energy is biocaptured and converted into a form that is used to sustain life, while the rest is terminated in the form of heat and radiated back into space.

"Unsurprisingly, he only reflects the traditional acceptance of intangible science; that is: ignoring things that are not easily contrary to the feasibility of applied science.

Indeed, the ultimate particle logic will question Rifkin's hypothesis and define a universe product as a particle that is converted to heat by speed and intensity. Rejecting Rifkin's above-mentioned reference to the page, the theory of the recyclable nature of energy requires only the speed-dependent nature of the velocity. In this theoretical compost, heat is constantly being converted, not only back into space, but also re-absorbed into the nearest mass container. If this theory is not correct, the astronauts will not be able to see the Earth from outer space; in fact, the moon is invisible.

In describing the second law of thermodynamics, Rifkin said: "from

Although energy cannot be created or destroyed, it is constantly changing in form, but always in one direction, from available to unavailable... whenever energy is converted, some energy is lost in the process; That is, it is no longer able to perform useful work

"He believes that this loss is not a loss, but rather a change in one direction; from hot to cold, from concentration to dispersion, or order disorder. We must Disagree: Simple logic will determine the continued cold into hot to hot.

Rifkin described the energy associated with modern civilization and correctly pointed out that the collapse of great civilization was due to "the failure of vitality" and the inability to mobilize human energy; the most enthusiastic supporters of fossil fuel energy suspected that the hydrocarbon era would be 21 Survived in the excessive survival of the century. Rifkin cites our declining culture and growing welfare mentality, equating the world economy with the decline of the great Roman Empire and pointing out that increased energy production cannot meet the reduced energy input. The so-called discourse from Plato and Aristotle's philosophy illustrates an obvious axiom: where you can't be from nothing.

Because this philosophy is related to particle physics and thermodynamic rules, you can't turn something into a void. The energy must be completely recyclable, otherwise the energy will no longer work!

Rifkin cites Saudi Arabia's sociological problems. In fact, the Middle East is an extension of Islam and supports it in an apology. Rifkin explores the decline in Saudi energy production and its increasingly unproductive population is dependent on God. Will - follow Muhammad's "The Road to Justice." In the best reasoning of the knowledgeable interpreter, "justice" is the most profound thought in Muhammad's mentality; he only pursues the most unfair behavior to entertain his most unholy happiness. The prevalence of Middle Eastern culture is different from the Western one. We only scratch the place where it feels good.

Rifkin pointed out the importance of "decarbonization" or social appeal to fuels with higher hydrogen to carbon ratios, and suggested that hydrogen should complete the decarbonization journey... People are increasingly convinced that humans are constantly on Earth. Great hope for progress.

In this sense, Rifkin recognizes that the energy in the interaction of hydrogen atoms is related to the quality of the Earth; he predicts that in one part of the country, energy will be as cheap as another, so the industry will be greatly dispersed. .

Rifkin will introduce hydrogen fuel cells as a near future. It describes the internal operation of fuel cells and chemical energy and is an essential substitute for fossil fuels. Of course, he is right! Rifkin has a total of 255 pages of 684 bibliographies that draw a wide range of interests, including sociology, religion and physics, especially the impact of energy on the existentialism of human principles.

You have it! There is little separation between physics and metaphysics, whether it is discussion or topical topics. Our thoughts continually fabricate the various metaphysics required for survival and survival that physics requires. We are a physical entity that is involved in mystery, inexplicable, intangible, and incalculable. Eternal life is considered to be the ultimate aspiration of our oxygen/hydrogen fuel existentialism, but permanent entry into its field cannot be a guarantee of our current tools of achievement. For those who are willing to do research, we can use our three-dimensional logic to qualitatively investigate our desire for eternal life!

Advanced research reveals the reasons for our desires and the reasons for our failure.

Orignal From: Jeremy Rifkin's criticism: "Hydrogen Economy"

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