Thursday, May 9, 2019

Cognitive dissonance and the shroud of Turin

An example of one of the bad behaviors from

Made a mistake [but not me]: Why do we have to prove stupid beliefs, wrong decisions and hurtful behaviors

 Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson are public supporters of Oprah Winfrey from

One million small pieces

 James Frey, this is a literary fraud. Any talk show host can make this mistake, but Oprah tries to prove her mistakes in Larry King's performance and makes some irrational statements, such as "The truth is not important." Tavris and Aronson say there is a "pyramid option" between King and Winfrey because they have similar moral values. However, after Winfrey made a mistake, she fell into a state of moral inferiority. Her subsequent public apology aroused praise from many people because it was unusual for people to admit that they made mistakes.

The authors analyzed this behavior using cognitive dissonance theory, which "excited more than 3,000 experiments that combined to change the psychologist's understanding of how human thinking works" [position 226]. In theory, Oprah suffered both mentally and emotionally, because she thought the book was good and inconsistent with reality, and she completed her pain through self-explanatory statements [initial]. The following quote from a famous psychoanalyst suggests that anxiety or stress can prevent a person from thinking intelligently and rationally:

For example, let us consider a person listening to a paper and thinking critically about it. A slight inhibitor is the timidity of expressing criticism; a strong inhibition prevents him from organizing his thoughts, and as a result they will only help him after the discussion ends or the next morning. However, inhibition may or even not allow critical ideas to arise. In this case, assuming he really feels critical, he will tend to blindly accept what he said and even appreciate it; he will not realize that there are any taboos at all. . In other words, if you suppress the hope or impulse, you will not be aware of its existence. [ from

The neurotic personality of our time

 Karen Horney, MD, New York: Norton, 1937, p. 55]

In religion, there are three basic truths that lead to anxiety or cognitive dissonance: 1] the existence of God. 2] The resurrection of Jesus. 3] The unreality of the Shroud of Turin.

The existence of God

We know that God exists because of the dispute between Thomas Aquinas and Ttienne Gilson: limited animals [humans] exist. Limited animals need a reason. Therefore, there is an infinite existence [God]. As you can see, this argument is actually a proof of the question of whether humans have free will.

Evidence of free will is that slavery is illegal, but it is not illegal to have animals and breed them as food. This may indicate that those who believe that human beings are not free will have wrong judgment. However, there is no need to make a decision on this issue. No one believes that slavery should be legalized because humans are no better than animals. It does not show poor judgment to speculate whether humans have free will and play the role of the devil by promoting philosophy called philosophy. from


 . However, regarding the question of God's existence, a decision must be made: Is there life after death? Will we pay our sins after we die? It is because of this decision that needs to be made that statements and thoughts about the existence of God are a good reflection of a person's character.

The following four statements are knowledgeable, intelligent, rational, and honest ways to prove that life ends in a grave:

1] God has not given me the gift of faith. 2] The concept of God is contradictory. 3] If God cares about our welfare, he will not cause so much suffering. 4] The argument about the existence of God is not convincing.

It is unreasonable to say "I don't believe in life after death because God does not exist." When one says this, they will go down the "choice of choice" for self-defense. This statement is ridiculous, because if God does not exist, it is meaningless to consider whether there is life after death. If you do not want to determine whether there is life after death, consider whether God exists.

Resurrection of Jesus

The resurrection of Jesus is a historical event. After being crucified, followers of Jesus dissipated in fear and disappointment, but they regained their fellowship within a few years and sweared up and down when Jesus appeared to them after his death.

The Christian belief is that Jesus lives in a new life with God. If you follow Jesus, you will have the same good things. There is a gap between this belief and historical events. This gap has widened because there are many knowledgeable, intelligent, rational, and honest people who do not believe in life after death.

This did not put any pressure on me because I understand that most non-believers are unaware because they do not know the arguments of God's existence. They are not smart because they don't understand why humans embody the spirit. In addition to Jean-Paul Sartre, he said "people are a useless passion" and they are not rational about the meaning of life. They are dishonest because they use false confession: "Who made God?"

Many Christians relieve stress by asking about the cause of Jesus' resurrection. This question cannot be answered because the Gospel was written many years after the resurrection. But if you think this question is good, then the invention hypothesis can answer this question. The two most common assumptions are: 1] The followers of Jesus are hallucinations. 2] There is a physical life in Jesus, that is, the camera can record this event. The next step is to assume that the probability of resurrection theory is high and the probability of illusion theory is very low. These probabilistic assumptions are accompanied by an explanation that the person who disagrees is a material, an agnostic or an atheist. This reasoning translates the faith of Jesus into a historical event, albeit a possible event. The gap between this highly likely event and belief is closed by the "leap of faith". However, the end result is self-defense and placing non-believers at the lower levels of the "selection pyramid".

Shroud of Turin

The corpse of Turin has a bloody image of Jesus and the back of Jesus. Obviously, the work of craftsmen or artists uses crucified victims or volunteers and historically lost methods to tell the gospel story about Jesus being crucified. The evidence that the sacred shroud never touches Jesus is the unusual size of linen, the absence of blood spots, and the existence of detailed images. The sacred shroud is a sign or reason to believe in Jesus, but many Christians prefer to think that this is evidence supporting the theory of the resurrection of Jesus' body.

Orignal From: Cognitive dissonance and the shroud of Turin

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