Thursday, May 9, 2019

As a positive step parents - be careful with name calling and slamming

A common side effect of bitter divorce may be verbal slamming and calling by the names of each other's parents. As a step-parent, it is easy to jump in and take over your husband or wife, but the end result is that this behavior will eventually hurt the child. Everyone is grumpy and loses calm from time to time. This may mean that you may say something angry, it doesn't mean anything. Then sometimes you know exactly what you are saying and it means it! This trap will do two things. It will hurt your relationship with your child or child, which will hurt your child's self-worth or self-esteem.

  1. Be careful of the little jab in front of your spouse
  2. These may be sneaky and difficult to catch. For example, if your child's father is often late to accept their visit, this will make your schedule a little bit lost. You may find yourself saying, "Well, your good father is always late." Egypt "Your father is late again, I guess he doesn't care enough about you on time." These may be extreme examples, but to show them Can explain what should not be said. It is to consider how the father will affect the child when he is late. Children may have enough anxiety problems about their father being late, without their parents or other parents pointing out the mistakes of other parents. The goal is to get the kids to adapt to this situation. Just ask if they are okay and how they make them feel that their father has been late. Let them know that adults are busy and sometimes it is difficult to keep the schedule more appropriate. You can also encourage children by knowing how they can feel their behavior, anxiety or their feelings, and this may be a good idea for them to talk to their father about how it makes them feel. This helps teach them to have their own feelings, but at the same time teach them to be confident.
  3. Keep your tongue doesn't matter how crazy you are
  4. This may be one of the hardest things to do as a parent or step-parent. Sometimes the children will ask something, maybe praise another parent, or tell you what another parent thinks about you. Situations like this can cause anyone to lose their calm. Especially if it is not true. One thing to remember is that the two errors are not correct. For the benefit of your child or the feelings of the child, you must grab your tongue. This may be the way your child contacts you, letting you know what another parent is saying is making them feel uncomfortable and they are looking for a way to handle it.

So remember to keep your tongue and not say anything that might regret or hurt your child. To illustrate the problem, it is never worth hurting your child. Your child may find the truth about what happened in his later life, but it should be when they are mature enough to understand.

Orignal From: As a positive step parents - be careful with name calling and slamming

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