Sunday, April 28, 2019

Prepare for foreign guests: list of hosts

"Entertaining with Betsy Bloomingdale" was published in 1994. Although this book is about entertainment, it contains comments about family guests. According to Bloomingdale, whether you are attending a dinner party, a birthday party or a foreigner, there is a purpose for every occasion. She used a whole chapter to set the stage for entertainment.

When you are ready for a foreigner, you can also stage. For Bloomingdale, part of the stage is to place a bouquet of calla on the front door. You can put a can of daisy or a pot of geranium on the kitchen table. This list will help you prepare for foreign guests and make them feel at home.

* Make a bed with the best sheets.

* Place an extra blanket in an extra place.

* Check if the bed pillow is worn. If the pillow is dirty, buy a new pillow at the discount store.

* For a new look, place a new pillow protector on your existing pillow.

* Replace the tired mattress cover with a new one.

* Clean the closet and empty some hangers.

* Clean bath [or shower] and sink. Make sure all drains are working properly.

* Remove any mold from the shower or bathtub.

* Put new soap in the bath and / or shower and sink.

* Take out a clean towel [if you have a bath towel] and a bath mat.

* Place a basket of travel-sized shampoo, toothpaste, lotion and new toothbrush next to the sink.

* Make sure the tissue box is full. If not, please roll out a new one.

* Put a clock and a small radio on the bedside table. You can also put your TV in your room.

* Tell the guests any quirks - a door, an unopenable window, a noisy pipe and the like.

* Provide adequate lighting. Move the light from another room to the bedroom if necessary.

* Add a comfortable reading chair. If you don't have space for a chair, you can put more pillows on the bed.

* Place reading materials at the bedside [the latest magazine, your favorite book].

* Ask your guests if he or she has any food allergies.

* Show your guests where you are saving coffee and tea and show how to use the coffee maker.

* Leave late night snacks on the kitchen counter.

* Update guests according to your schedule, such as getting up at 6 in the morning and going to work at 7:00.

* Provide your guests with extra keys for the house and a map of your town.

* If you live in a big city, please provide a sky map for your guests.

* It is recommended to watch and provide a place to bring your guests on a mini tour.

* Place a flowering plant, bouquet or single rosebud in their room before your guests come.

Copyright 2007 Harriet Hodgson

Orignal From: Prepare for foreign guests: list of hosts

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